Wildcards – Week of 10.22.17

Joker in man Hand over table felt

Military DEW Laser Companies Surround NorCal Firestorm Area !!!

YouTube | 25 October 2017
More Evidence of High Energy Destruction…

California Fires Defy the Laws of Physics: Where did the House Go?
Forbidden Knowledge | 10 25 2017

More Off the Chart Fire Temps…

Deborah Tavares -Extinction Plan for Humanity – DEPLOYED Silent Weapon System

You Tube | 26 September 2016
High Levels of Microwave Radiation..

M 6.0 – North of Franz Josef Land
USGS | 28 October 2017

Shades of Edgar Cayce…

State to fire victims: Don’t move debris or ashes
Ukia Daily Journal | 14 October 2017
North CA Crime Scene…

Supremely weird and extremely damning
Jim Stone | 25 October 2017
Note: This site was Taken Down Hard, Search on Title..

California Fires Defy the Laws of Physics: Where Did the Houses Go?
Forbidden Knowledge | 20 October 2017

Off the Chart Fire Temps….

High ranking US government official blows whistle on UFOs a week after leaving the Pentagon
Nexus News Feed | 24  October 2017

Disclosure Events Just Keep On Coming…

Chemtrails Of the Ocean: Government Launches New Toxic AquaTrails
Anti News NW | 22 May 2017
Chem Trails Ahoy!!!

4Chan | 24 October 2017

4Chan Smokes MSM….

The Fringe Insurgency
ISD Global |  October 2017

Mr. Global White Paper…

PUTIN ON A SPREAD Vladimir Putin fears robots will one day EAT humans… and asks tech giant when it will happen
The Sun UK | 22 October 2017

More Putin Terminator Warnings…

YOU’RE TERMINATED Vladimir Putin warns of future sci-fi super-human soldiers more ‘destructive than nuclear bombs’ who feel no fear or pain
The Sun UK | 23 October 2017
Autistic Super Soldier Possibilities???

Spiderboy who drives his mother up the wall: Boy, six, scales drainpipes, climbs door frames and scrambles up trees in seconds because his autism means he has no sense of fear

Daily Mail| 22 October 2017
Soldiers w/o Fear????

USAF Space Command wargames concludes
Space War Space War | 23 October 2017
Note Time Line..