Wildcards – Week of 10.15.17

Joker in man Hand over table felt

The Blatant Cover-up of the Las Vegas Shooting – The David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast

YouTube | 20 October 2017
Epic Fail…

Dr Judy Wood talks to Andrew Johnson about California Wildfires 17 Oct 2017

checktheevidence | 17 October 2017

Directed Energy Weapons Over California with Elana Freeland

YouTube | 14 October 2017
Selective Destruction Possibilities…

Final Warning! It’s happening in America…This video is blocked in almost every country (2017-2018)

YouTube | October 2017
Weather War and More…

JP Farrell | 19 October 2017
LV Coroners Office Under Lock Down…

California Gets Cooked | Fires Created by Microwave Directed Energy Weapon

YouTube | 18 October 2017
Selective Destruction…

California Fires Spare Most Vineyards, But Marijuana Crops Go Up In Smoke
NPR | 19 October 2017
Serious Selective Burn…

Evidence of Military Grade EMF Accelerants Used in Sonoma Napa Fires
YouTube | 13 October 2017
This is not…

How and Why CA Fires Were DEW Created

YouTube | 12 October 2017
Melting temperatures…

Wildfires rage in Greece
USA Today | 15 August 2017
August 15, 2017…