Wildcards – Week of 10.09.16

Joker in man Hand over table felt

Why Is Diego Garcia Wall-To-Wall US Bombers?
Rense | 14 October 2016
Something big is…

Study Found Nano Particles of Metal in Human Brains: Geoengineering, How to Detox
ERa Of Wisdom | 14 October 2016

Pentagon Video Warns of “Unavoidable” Dystopian Future for World’s Biggest Cities
ICH | 14 October 2016

Vimeo | 12 October 2016
Joint Special Operations University…

Killing Scalia: The Clinton Crime Family
Hennessys View | 13 October 2016
Established journalist…

An Inside Look At Two “Unrelated” Banker Suicides Reveals A Fascinating Rabbit Hole
Zero Hedge | 13 October 2016
Falling – or being…

The Space Fence & Full Planetary Lockdown:Dark Journalist & Elana Freeland

YouTube | 13 October 2016
Fascinating and controversial…

Hurricane Matthew, The Latest Example Of Global Weather Warfare Desperation
Geo Engineering Watch | 03 October 2016
Had to endure engin…

Both Trump And Clinton Went To Jeffrey Epstein’s Sex Slave Island.
Daily Wire | 16 May 2016
Too much to hope that…

Remote-Controlled Heart Attacks
Defense Tech | 14 February 2006
Modulated beam…