Wildcards – Week of 09.11.16

Joker in man Hand over table felt

The Hillary Watch UPDATE: She’s (Very) Sick
Spectator | 09 September 2016

New World Order Exposed – The Charlotte Iserbyt Story – Documentary
YouTube | 14 March 2013
Scientific destruction of…

EXCLUSIVE: Interview With Ohio Election Fraud Lawyer Cliff Arnebeck
Cosmoso | 04 August 2016
(Related link below) Deep, dark secrets of what he calls the “global”…

Simon Shack: September Clues (2007)

YouTube | 09 November 2011
5 video shots all aligned with…

9/11 Conspiracy: Illegal Gold & Soviet Collapse

YouTube | 02 September 2016
U.S. government ties can no longer be…

Dr. Judy Wood – Where Did the Towers Go?

YouTube | 10 September 2011
Towers down was…

I Believe Former Star Philadelphia Prosecutor Beverly Campbell was Assassinated
Facebook | 26 July 2016
Karl Rove operatives believed she was about to …

Government Officials Admit to ECONOMIC False Flag Operations
Washington’s Blog | 18 April 2016
Officials of the International Monetary…

Commentary Collection: Promoting Women
Solari | 13 March 2016
Insight into what is driving some of the politics…

Hershey’s Charity for Children Became GOP Slush Fund
The Nation | 05 November 2012
Diversion of charitable resources…