Wildcards – Week of 02.19.17

Joker in man Hand over table felt

Mayor Hopes To Spin Gold In Wake Of Oroville Dam Problems
Sacramento CBS | 23 February 2017
Source for almost the entire…

Welcome to Singularity.FM
Singularity FM | 25 February 2017

YouTube | 26 August 2016
Interviews with the best experts debating…

Monarch: The New Phoenix Program by Marshall Thomas
9/11 NWO| 19 January 2017

Vimeo | 22 April 2011
Assassinating suspected…remotely project emotional… political assassinations…

What did George Michael Die From
Sun | 22 February 2017
Do we know so far…

FBI ANON Returns to 4chan
Event Chronicle | 20 February 2017
Clinton investigation and a coup…

Weather Warfare Biggest Threat to Life on Earth-Dane Wigington
USA Watchdog | 19 February 2017
Weather War Threat…

Churchill Essay on the Possibility of Alien Life Discovered in US College
Guardian | 15 February 2017
Surely a resounding…

Professors & Staff Arrested for Trading in Child Rape
Medium | 14 February 2017
Raise alarm bells…