The Story of Gideon with Thomas Meyer

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“Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” ~ Marcus Aurelius

By Catherine Austin Fitts

The story of Gideon is my favorite Bible story. I often tell the story of Gideon whenever someone asks me, “What can I do?”

Last year, I shared the Gideon story with publisher Thomas Meyer. To my delight, he immediately went to Judges 6-9 in the Old Testament and read it. His insights inspired me to invite Thomas to join me on The Solari Report for an in-depth discussion of Gideon and why this story offers intelligence so relevant to these times.

We will record our discussion this coming Monday after a workshop and salon in Basel, Switzerland, for The Present Age and Europa, both of which Thomas publishes. I want to compare the concerns that I am hearing this week in Europe with those coming from North America and Asia.

For Let’s Go to the Movies, check out a long-standing favorite of mine, Friday Night Lights, for its relevance to the story of Gideon.

This week is the last week of the month, so there is no Money & Markets. Post your questions for Ask Catherine at the commentary for the first week in April here.

Talk to you Thursday!

Related Reading:

Thomas Meyer’s Website
Destiny and the Process of Dying

Solari Reports with Thomas Meyer:

A Conversation with Thomas Meyer
An Afternoon in Sofia with Thomas Meyer
The Future of Europe with Thomas H. Meyer
Rudolf Steiner on What We Do Now with T. H. Meyer