Money & Markets – Week of 07.09.17

China & Portugal Step Up Cooperation on New Silk Road Initiative
RT | 13 July 2017
Maritime Silk…

Scoring: How to do the Math on Proposed Development in Your Town

YouTube | 31 May 2017
Local: place based development scoring…

Opinion: Why the U.S. Postal Service Gives Amazon Special Delivery
Market Watch | 15 July 2017
Below its own…

Connecticut Capital Hartford Downgraded To Junk By Moody’s
Zero Hedge | 15 July 2017
General obligation debt…

Illinois “Budget Deal” Is Likely The Death Knell For The State’s $130 Billion Underfunded Pensions
Zero Hedge | 14 July 2017
Retirement plans…

Can Public Pension Benefits be Cut? Kentucky Officials Looking into It
Courier Journal | 14 July 2017
Payments and deliver essential…

CalPERS Reports Preliminary 11.2 Percent Investment Return For Fiscal Year 2016-17
Calpers | 14 July 2017
Funded status of the overall CalPERS fund is…

American Taxpayers Are Subsidizing Amazon And The Destruction Of The American Economy
YouTube | 14 July 2017
Don’t want to contribute…

Pension Costs Rising for Kentucky School Districts, Local Governments
Paducah Sun | 14 July 2017
More in contributions…

Why is Amazon Loaning its Sellers Money?
Market Place | 13 July 2017
Knew exactly how much I…

The New Silk Road will Go through Syria
Asia Times | 13 July 2017
Post-war infrastructure…

Trustees Project Biggest Social Security Increase in Years
Seattle Times | 13 July 2017
Shouldn’t get too…

How Illinois’ Budget Negatively Impacts Wisconsin’s
Governing | 13 July 2017
Wisconsin will also have to…

A Composition of Fallacy: Incremental City Growth
Strong Towns | 12 July 2017
What distortion is causing…

In an Income Tax-Free State, Seattle Hopes to Tax the Rich
Governing | 12 July 2017
Expected to draw a quick…

Semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Congress: Chair Janet L. Yellen
Federal Reserve | 12 July 2017
Before the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.

Illinois Pension Problem: Coming to a State Near You
USA Today | 12 July 2017

Walmart is Cracking Down on Its Supplier Network
Market Place | 12 July 2017

Why Pennsylvania’s Governor Hasn’t Signed a Budget in 3 Years
Governing | 11 July 2017
Not give him the necessary enabling legislation that…

5 Charts That Explain Just How Screwed Your State Is
Zero Hedge | 11 July 2017
Ranking the 50 U.S. states…

Chicago’s Annual Financial Report for 2016 Finally Surfaced Today
Truth in Accounting | 11 July 2017
Losses that arose despite…

In the Economic Circle of Life, Businesses are Dying Faster than Ever
Market Place | 11 July 2017
What does it mean…

Amazon’s Victims: These Stocks have Lost $70 Billion so Far this Year
CNBC | 11 July 2017
Stock is…

Big Financial Woes Linger in Illinois’ New Budget
Reuters | 10 July 2017
Without an independent financial…

InfoWars Meme Contest 1: The Zuckerberg Interview

YouTube | 10 July 2017

The Economist: “Get Ready For A World Currency By 2018”
Zero Hedge | 09 July 2017
Will seem a quaint…

Walmart Tries to Make Better Savers Out of the Unbanked
Market Place | 07 July2017

McKinsey: Making sense of Chinese Outbound M&A
McKinsey | July 2017
First myth…5…

Who Are the Latest IRS Targets? A List of 23 Audit Triggers
Halkistler | 13 July 2017

The Counties Where Housing Is Booming
Governing | 05 July 2017
Local market trend…

What the Recent Study on the Seattle Minimum Wage Experiment Actually Says
Extra News Feed | 03 July 2017
Extremely modest or even…

Ford Foundation Bets $1 Billion On Mission Investing
Nonprofit Times | 05 April 2017
Returns while…