Maintaining the Mantle of Innocence by Matthew R. Hale

From humble beginnings, Matthew R. Hale decided early that he wanted to be a trial lawyer to represent people. Since 2004 he has dedicated his practice to litigating cases on behalf of individuals in both state and Federal Courts. He is dedicated to the proposition that all are equal under the law and deserve justice.


One day, while visiting my parents, we had a run in with a neighbor. The neighbor was an elderly gentleman, who lived across the street from my parents. He liked to walk his dog through my mother’s yard, where his dog would leave a large steaming pile, and they would go home. That particular day, my mother decided she had had enough and called him out. He decided to come through their gate to the back porch to “kick her ass.” I stepped in between, he grabbed my shirt and I froze.

At the time, I was studying to take the bar exam and my mind started racing through all of legal problems I would face if I in fact beat this old man up. I froze with the thoughts of being arrested, of wondering what the legal consequences would be if I hit him, and of how the police would respond. Would they see him as the victim? Fortunately, with the help of my father, we were able to get the guy out of our yard and another neighbor, hearing the commotion intervened and took him home. We were smart enough to call the police, but not smart enough to push for charges. He continued to leer at my mother as he walked down the street with his dog until he moved away a couple of years later. The lessons from that day continue to haunt me.

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