Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of November 7, 2022: We Need to Talk About Mr. Global – Part 2

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In this four-part series of tête-à-têtes between financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts and political satirist and author C.J. Hopkins, we are taken on a deep dive into the history of the financial coup that has been going on for several decades. These important and illuminating conversations took place in Europe in August of 2021.

In Part 2, published by OVALmedia on October 9, 2022, Catherine and CJ tackle two crucial questions: Where did 21 trillion dollars disappear to? and Why do we urgently need to care about what is happening?


Watch on Oval Media

Part 1: Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of September 5, 2022: We Need to Talk About Mr. Global – Part 1

Both conversations also exist with German voiceover on the OVALmedia website:

We Need to Talk About Mr. Global – TEIL EINS

We Need to Talk About Mr. Global – TEIL ZWEI

views: 7