Doctors for Covid Ethics: Symposium IV – June 11, 2022

Livestream Recording

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Doctors for Covid Ethics Fourth Symposium:
Freedom is the Cure
Unpacking & Defeating the Medical Tactics of a World Takeover

June 11th, 15:30 – 22:30 (BST), 16:30 – 23:30 (CEST), 10:30 – 17:30 (ET)

In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

On June 11th 2022, Doctors for Covid Ethics will hold their fourth symposium, hosted by UK Column. The previous symposia were a huge success, not only attracting millions of viewers despite mainstream media censorship but offering content and rigor that has been taken up and built upon by truth seekers across disciplines.

With global actors moving to consolidate power in the wake of Covid-19, the focus of the upcoming symposium will be ‘Unpacking and Defeating the Medical Tactics of a World Takeover’.
Topics to be covered include:

How and why mRNA vaccines are a serious threat to mankind: Beyond Covid-19, speakers will explain the science and evidence of mRNA technology’s inherent harmfulness, including damage through toxicity and inflammation to the cardiovascular system and effects on fertility, and give an overview of legal actions underway against fraudulently obtained mRNA vaccine approvals.

Speakers include: Professor Sucharit Bhakdi MD, Michael Palmer MD, Dr.Thomas Binder MD, Alexandra Latypova, and Renate Holzeisen, Mary Holland, Brian Hooker PhD. with Polly Tommey

The long history of crime and abuse in medicine: What is the real story behind HIV and AIDS? Who was responsible for the Anthrax bioterrorism campaign in 2001? We name names and take a look at the role of psychopathy and a ‘Global Predator’ profile, with a discussion of economic and regulatory considerations.

Speakers include: Dr.Mike Yeadon BSc, Peter R. Breggin MD, Dave Rasnick PhD, Dr.Meryl Nass MD. with Catherine Austin Fitts

The centralisation of power and threats to democracy and sovereignty: Experts examine the extraordinary global powers set to be seized by unelected officials with the imminent WHO “reform”, and the made-to-order pandemics that provide the pretext for potential activation of pandemic creation cycles. Here, we ask in particular: What is really going on with monkeypox?

Speakers include: Dr. Silvia Behrendt, John Titus, Professor Christian Perronne with Mike Robinson

Beyond medical tactics: What is the solution: Observing the wide variety of excuses for central control further to faked health concerns, solutions and actions must continue to gain ground by fostering Faith in the failure of totalitarianism.

Speakers include: Prof. Richard Werner DPhil, Dr Meryl Nass MD and Dr. Peter Breggin MD. with Catherine Austin Fitts

Infertility: A Diabolic Agenda – LIVESTREAM
A documentary film by award-winning filmmaker Andy Wakefield, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Children’s Health Defense. We will learn about a brave Kenyan doctor — Dr. Stephen Karanja — who warned the world that once they’re done with Africa, they’re coming for children and adults everywhere. With perspectives from leading experts expressing their concerns over other vaccines that could cause infertility in women around the world, including the COVID shot.

At every turn, the tactics of world takeover under Covid-19 have been founded upon deception disguised as science. In a remarkably candid admission, Yuval Noah Harari, pundit to the World Economic Forum, The New York Times, the BBC, Harvard, Stanford, Mark Zuckerberg and Barack Obama has said:
Science is not really about truth. It’s about power. The real aim of science as a project — as an establishment — is not truth, it’s power.

At Doctors for Covid Ethics, we are committed to the pursuit of truth and of ethics in science, medicine, and politics. This is what our fourth symposium is all about.

June 13, 2022 – Session I Video Replays: MRNA Vaccines – A serious threat to mankind with Polly Tommey and Michael Palmer MD

Gold Standard Covid Science in Practice – An Interdisciplinary Symposium IV: FREEDOM IS THE CURE