Geopolitical – Week of 09.03.17

Angela Merkel Pelted with Tomatoes by Voters During Campaign Rally (Video)
The Duran | 09 September 2017

University of Alaska Institute of Northern Engineering: WTC 7 Collapse was Not Caused by Fire
University of Alaska | 06 September 2017
Structural framing…

Nikki Haley was offered Secretary of States job and Turned it Down
The Duran | 08 September 2017

Russian Foreign Ministry Office Makes a Statement about the Ransacking of Russian Diplomatic Property by US
The Saker | 08 September 2017
Everything started as confirmation by the Obama…

Russian Foreign Ministry Wonders if the Americans will Plant ‘Compromising Material’ in the Diplomatic Buildings
RT | 08 September 2017
No way…

Russia to Move Away from Buying Foreign Software
RT | 08 September 2017
Might be told…

Kokesh Gets Probation..
Washington Post | 05 September 2017
Very Lenient…

Local: How Long Will You Live? It Might Depend on Your King County Neighborhood
Seattle Times | 05 September 2017
(See article below) Reveals disparities…closely linked to…

Variation in Life Expectancy and Mortality be Cause Among Neighbourhoods in King County, WA. USA
Lancet | September 2017
Have not been previously described…

Putin Teases That Tillerson “Fell In With The Wrong Crowd”
News Video | 07 September 2017
At the Eastern Economic Forum in…

Steve Bannon says he’s “a street fighter,” vows to support Trump
CBS News | 07 September 2017
Destroy his…

U.S. Virgin Islands Authorizes to Seize All Guns Due to Hurricane
Armstrong Economics | 07 September 2017
National Guard and the local government…

Latest Solari Donation
Save Craig Murray: I am Being Sued for Libel in the High Court
Craig Murray | 06 September 2017
Stifle freedom of speech…

What Country Is This? Forced Blood Draws, Cavity Searches and Colonoscopies [SHORT]
Rutherford Institute | 05 September 2017
“Rape by cop”…

Madigan: Power. Privilege. Politics

YouTube | 03 November 2016
(2016) Every election…implications…Metro Scandal…

PAPER: NSA Offered Hillary Clinton’s “Lost” Emails to FBI— Comey Turned Them Down
SGT Report | 06 September 2017
In fact — the NSA…

Hillary Clinton Blames Her Loss on Sanders
Undernews | 05 September 2017
Being a much less…

Trump Ends ‘Dreamer’ Immigration Program, Places Onus on Congress
Reuters | 05 September 2017
Nation of laws…

North Korea Nuclear Crisis: Putin Warns of Planetary Catastrophe
Guardian| 05 September 2017
Interventions in Iraq and Libya…

Virgin Islands Allows National Guard To Seize Guns, Ammo Ahead Of Hurricane Irma
Daily Caller | 05 September 2017
U.S. Virgin Islands Gov. …

Catherine’s Latest Petition Signature
Stop the U.N. Gun Ban
Nat. Assoc. of Gun Right | August 2017
“Please sign your Firearms Sovereignty Survey”…

Electromagnetic Pulse: North Korea’s Latest Threat Against U.S.
WSJ | 03 September 2017
Can be detonated even at high…

China ‘Strongly Condemns’ N. Korean Nuclear Test: Foreign Ministry
Yahoo | 03 September 2017
Pyongyang declared…

‘Artificial Earthquake’ Strikes North Korea Near Known Nuclear Test Site
RT | 03 September 2017
Far more powerful than…

Putin on N. Korea Crisis: Tensions ‘Balancing on Brink of Large-scale Conflict’
RT | 01 September 2017
Common goal…

A Brief Explainer on the BRICS Summit in China’s Xiamen
Yahoo | 01 September 2017
Position themselves as…

Diplomatic Security Special Agent, Former Dayton Police Officer, Found Dead in Potomac River
WHIO | 01 September2017
Jurisdiction over classified…

First They Came For the Nazis and Pedophiles…
The Saker | 30 August 2017
(Saker’s free book: “The Essential Saker: from the trenches of the emerging multipolar world”) Shut down the account of…

Syria Emerging Victorious
Information Clearing House | 31 August 2017
Sea-change in the way the US now wages armed…

Trump Awards $700MM Afghanistan Contract to Leidos, Lockheed & SAIC Spinoff Believed to Control Important Missing Money Payment System Contractors
RT | 29 August 2017
See below two related links…

Leidos Works Extensively with the United States Department of Defense (4th Largest DoD Contractor FY2012
Wikipedia |29 August 2017
Relates to Trump Awards $700MM story above…

Solari Commentary: Lockheed Cuts & Runs
Solari | 15 August 2016
Relates to Trump Awards $700MM story above…