Geopolitical – Week of 03.12.17

NSA Whistleblower – Jesselyn Radack & Thomas Drake | London Real
YouTube | 16 March 2017
Whistleblower Hell…

Russian Parliament Backs Investigation into US Media
CNBC | 18 March 2017
Russian due diligence…

The CIA’s 60-Year History of Fake News: How the Deep State Corrupted Many American Writers
Truthdig | 17 March 2017
Influenced acclaimed writers and publications…

Senator Richard Black “The Global Elite Wants A Thermonuclear War With Russia”
YouTube | 17 March 2017
Cleared up a lot of…

China, U.S. in Talks on Meeting Between Presidents
Xinhuanet | 18 March 2017
US China Presidential pre-game…

Justice Dept. Delivers Documents on Wiretap Claim to Congress
Reuters | 18 March 2017

Documents Show Obama Surveilled Entire Trump Family For 8 Years
YouTube | 20 October 2012
Alex Jones Channel…

Whistleblower Tapes: Trump Wiretapped “A Zillion Times” By ‘The Hammer,’ Brennan’s and Clapper’s Secret Computer System
American Report | 17 March 2017
Illegal and unconstitutional government data…

Tillerson Doesn’t Rule Out Preemptive Strike on North Korea
Bloomberg | 17 March 2017
More sabre rattling…

US says ‘Strategic Patience’ on NK is Over
Korea Herald | 17 March 2017
Sabre rattlings Korea…

Tillerson no-show at NATO renews European disquiet about Trump
Reuters | 17 March 2017
US MIA for NATO meeting…

“Military Action Is On The Table”: Tillerson Warns “Patience” With North Korea Has Ended
Zero Hedge | 17 March 2017
Called on China to…

Dina Powell to be Named Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategy
CNN | 16 March 2017
More Goldman Sach’s alumni…

Denmark on the Brink? – An Interview with Iben Tranholm
Linked In | 16 March 2017
She has traveled extensively in…

Dutch Liberals Defeat Wilders’s Party in Blow to Populist Surge
Bloomberg | 16 March 2017
Dutch support EU…

These 80 Programs Would Lose Federal Funding Under Trump’s Proposed Budget
Bloomberg | 16 March 2017
Proposed changes to agency discretionary…

From Nuisance to Threat: The High Cost of Truth
ICH | 16 March 2017
Sake of their careers…

New Protest Bills: Stamping Out ‘Economic Terrorism’ or Chilling Free Expression?
CS Monitor | 16 March 2017
First Amendment…

Northern Ireland Vote Jolts Already Disunited Kingdom
Reuters | 15 March 2017
Straining the …

Trump Orders State Dept. To Cut Un Funding By Half
Infowars | 15 March 2017
Trump Orders UN Funding cuts…

Judge Napolitano: Three sources tell Fox News that Obama used the British NSA to secretly surveil Trump
US Defense Watch | 14 March 2017
UK Spied on Trump for Obama…

China Begins New Work on Disputed South China Sea Island
Reuters | 14 March 2017
China’s Homemade Island…

Stand for the Truth: A Government Researcher Speaks Out

YouTube | 13 March 2017
911 Revelations…

EU Commissioner For Migration Wants 6 Million More Immigrants
Need to Know News | 13 March 2017
160 000 migrants in…

On The Weaponization Of Artificial Intelligence And Its Ties To The ‘Paypal Mafia’
Disobedient Media | 12 March 2018

Harvard Releases Guide to “Fake News” Sites — List Includes Essentially Every Major Conservative Site
Gateway Punding | 12 March 2017
Fake News Guide to Fake News..

Trump Budget Expected to Seek Historic Contraction of Federal Workforce
Washington Post | 12 March 2017
Downsizing Government….

Trump Gives CIA Authority to Conduct Drone Strikes: WSJ
Reuters | 14 March 2017
Trump Gives CIA Drone Option…

U.S. Navy SEALs to Take Part in Joint Drills in S. Korea
Yohhap News | 13 March 2017
Special Forces sent to Korea…

The CIA vs. Donald Trump
Who What Why | 10 March 2017
Neither oversight nor…

Democrat Futurist’s Predictions
Linked In | 27 January 2017
Suck it up – the world…

Here’s Why Law Enforcement Groups are Divided on Legislation to Turn California into a ‘Sanctuary State’
Yahoo | 12 March 2017
Lose millions of dollars…

One more Reason Never to Trust the CDC
Jon Rappoport | 12 March 2017
Huge scandal…

President Trump’s First 50 Days of Action
White House | 10 March 2017

Steve Bannon’s Apocalyptic ‘Unravelling’
Consortium News | 09 March 2017
Go through a massive de-…