Geopolitical – Week of 03.05.17

John Helmer: Australian Government Trips Up Ukrainian Court Claim of MH17 as Terrorism
Naked Capitalism | 11 March 2017
Before the local police and courts had time…

Putin ‘Cautiously Optimistic’ about Syria Political Settlement with Help of US & Others
RT | 11 March 2017
Territorial integrity…

U.S, Turkish, Russian Defense Chiefs Meet to Discuss Syrian Battlespace
Defense | 10 March 2017
Different motivations, objectives, resources and…

Former DHS Official Says Secret Service Needs More Resources
Fox News | 11 March 2017
DHS Assistant Secretary Doug Smith…

Don’t Forget JFK’s Fight With The CIA
Ron Paul Liberty Report | 09 March 2017
“I want to splinter the CIA into a”…

AG Jeff Sessions Seeks Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara’s Resignation along with 45 Others
NY Daily News | 10 March 2017
Has gone after scores of Wall…

South Korean Court Throws President Out of Office; Two Die in Protest
Reuters | 10 March 2017
Scandal that also…

The Conflict within the Deep State Just Broke into Open Warfare
Of Two Minds | 10 March 2017
Because the CIA defines…

The Democratic Party Seems to have No Earthly Idea Why it is so Damn Unpopular
NY Daily News | 09 March 2017

Trump Offers Russia Ambassador Post To Putin-Critic Jon Huntsman
ZeroHedge | 09 March 2017

Retired Russian Colonel Warns Trump: “We’re Seeding The US Shoreline With Nuclear Mole Missiles”
ZeroHedge | 09 March 2017
Buying the support of…

Oh, that Traitorous WikiTrump
LA Times | 09 March 2017
Nothing so trivial as the technical proof…

Broken Pledge
Slate | 09 March 2017
Inner city, rural, and Rust Belt voters…

McConnell: Tax Reform Unlikely by August
Hill | 09 March 2017
Finishing on tax reform will…

Senators Ask DOJ, FBI For Information On Trump Wiretapping
ZeroHedge | 09 March 2017
Rigged elections went…

Plans for Tennessee Convention of States Resolution Scrapped
The Tennessean | 09 March 2017
TN nixes….

Judge Neil M. Gorsuch: His Jurisprudence and Potential Impact on the Supreme Court
FAS | 08 March 2017
Jurisprudence and discusses how…

Dennis Kucinich: New WikiLeaks Reveal Proof We are Sliding Down the Slippery Slope Toward Totalitarianism
Fox News | 08 March 2017
Fear-based security…

Germany’s Chief Prosecutor To Start Probe Into Wikileaks-Exposed Frankfurt Cyber-Spy Hub
ZeroHedge | 08 March 2017
Hacking attacks on Europe, China and…

NSA Whistleblower Backs Trump Up on Wiretap Claims
US News | 07 March 2017
Binney Backs Trump’s Claims…

What Went Wrong with the Refugee Crisis in Greece
Keep Talking Greece | 07 March 2017
$70 out of every $100…

Monica Crowley: What Happened to Me was a Political Hit Job
Fox News | 07 March 2017
Sean Hannity Show…

Former NSA Whistleblower: “Trump Is Absolutely Right, Everything Was Being Monitored”
ZeroHedge | 07 March 2017
Binney “He was”…

Solari Donated $100 to Wiki-Leaks
Donate to WikiLeaks: Supported by the General Public
Wiki Leaks | 07 March 2017
Projects, staff, servers and…

Trump Talks Infrastructure with Musk, Developers
Yahoo | 08 March 2017
Roads, tax credits and…

Back Story: The Alleged Trump Phone Tapping
Under News | 08 March 2017
More on Trump Wire Tap…

Russia’s Largest Bank Confirms Hiring Podesta Group To Lobby For Ending Sanctions
ZeroHedge | 09 March 2017
Proactively lobbying for…

U.S. Gen. Says Russia Deploys Cruise Missile, Threatens NATO
Reuters | 08 March 2017
Russian Cruise Missile Deployment…

US Fines China’s ZTE $1.2 Bn for Violating Iran, N.Korea Sanctions
Yahoo | 07 March 2017
Conspired to evade…

CNN has Yet to Publish Story on Vault 7
VOAT | 07 March 2017
Serious Un-Censored News…

The NSA Wiretaps Every Future President
Russia Insider | 06 March 2017
It’s far, far more…

Edward Snowden: WikiLeaks document dump on CIA hacking capability ‘looks authentic’
Washington Examiner | 07 March 2017
Snowden says It’s Real…

Wikileaks Unveils ‘Vault 7’: “The Largest Ever Publication Of Confidential CIA Documents”; Another Snowden Emerges
Zero Hedge | 07 March 2017
(See Wildcards) Largest Ever Wiki CIA Release..

Steve Pieczenik Discuss Why it’s Hard to Keep Gov’t Spooks out of Your Electronic Devices
Infowars | 07 March 2017
Pieczenik Interview…

Former CIA Boss Blames Millennials for Leaks-Wikileaks Vault 7
YouTube | 07 March 2017
Former CIA Comments Vault 7…

US Fines China’s ZTE $1.2 Bn for Violating Iran, N.Korea Sanctions
Yahoo | 07 March 2017
US Fines China…

Idaho School Turmoil Over Sex Survey
Fox News | 07 March 2017
Elementary School Sex Survey…

Drug Boss Escobar Worked for the CIA

Newsbud | 06 March 2017
Escobar CIA Connection…

The Dutch election is a Dead Heat
CNBC | 04 March 2017
EU Implications…

Evidence Hillary Was Briefed by Obama on Covert Abuse of Power to Target Trump
Martin Armstrong | 07 March 2017
Dems Target Trump…

HSBC bank’s $20M forfeiture will purchase new equipment, hundreds of cars for NYPD
NY Daily News | 07 March 2017
Drug Fines Put to Good Use..

Federal Court Rules Texas Republicans Racially Gerrymandered Districts to Weaken Minority Vote
Slate | 11 March 2017
Instruction on how to…

James Rosen Describes Being Investigated by Obama Admin
Fox News | 05 March 2017
More on Rosen…

James Rosen on Being the Target of Surveillance Under the Obama Admin
Hot Air | 05 March 2017
Rosen Targeted…

Former CIA Analyst: Obama Gave Green Light for NSA, CIA to Sabatoge Trump
Info Wars | 06 March 2017
Deep State Sabotage…

Mark Levin PROVES Obama Wiretapping on President Donald Trump
Fox News | 05 March 2017
Proof of Obama’s Wire Taps..

John McCain passes dossier alleging secret Trump-Russia contacts to FBI
The Guardian |Jan 2017
McCain Allegations…

Trump on 2017 Nobel Peace Prize Nomination List
Financial Express | 05 March 2017
Trump on Nobel List…

Clinton-Linked Laureate Education Company Faces Free Fall On The Stock Exchange
Daily Caller | 05 March 2017
Clinton IPO Tanks…

Obama Administration Looks To Be In Very Serious Legal Trouble
The Strata-Sphere | 05 March 2017
Obama’s Legal Troubles..

Here’s the List: More Than a Dozen Proven Victims of Obama’s Many Wiretaps
The Gateway Pundit | 05 March 2017
Obama’s Watergate…

History of the Orthodox People Website Launched
Saker | 05 March 2017
“Restoring the Historical Truth”…

The Donbass Is Breaking Away from an Agonized Ukraine
UNZ | 04 March2017
Ukrainian Prime Minister has declared…

Feds Dig In: Agents raid Trump-Touted Caterpillar
Fox News | 03 March 2017
Political Retaliation….

Billionaire in Talks for Spy Role Spotted Joining Trump on Military Visit
Bloomberg | 03 March 2017
New Trump Appointee…

Confirmed: Russian Special Forces Led Blitz Assault on Palmyra. 1,000 Militants Killed or Injured
Russian Insider | 03 March 2017
When you need to…

Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs

YouTube | 10 September 2010
Re-posted: Data from…

Obama Admin Funneled Billions Into Left-Wing Activist Groups
Daily Wire | 02 March 2017
Obama funded Left Wing Groups..

New Priorities for the European Union at 60
McKinsey | March 2017
Response to three…