Food & Health – Week of 07.09.17

Dr. Jack Kruse / Nourish Vermont 2017

YouTube | 12 July 2017
If your dopamine level is…

Monsanto’s Army of Online Bullies
Responsible Technology | 11 July 2017
We are totally winning. Mainstream…

Obamacare Collapse Takes New Form: Number of Uninsured Surges
Lifezzette | 11 July 2017
All eyes have…

Allergy Shots are Vaccines?
Vaccine Reaction | 11 July 2017
Concentrations of either glycerol or…

Robert F. Kennedy Jr: My Response to John Oliver
Fox News | 11 July 2017
1987 blanket immunity…

Latest Solari Donation
Vaccination: Lawsuit to Save Religious Exemption
Go Fund Me | 09 July 2017
Violation of the laws of the State of…

Church School Can Reject Nonvaccinated Students
Courthouse News | 30 June 2017
“Requirement is a religious”…

The Ketogenic Keys to Optimal Health
Mercola | 06 July 2017
Mitochondrial Metabolic Therapy…

How to Open a Farm in Russia if You’re a Foreigner
| January 2017
State benefits…