Food & Health – Week of 01.22.17

Organic Animal Welfare Final Rule – What It Says and What’s Next
Sustainable Agriculture | 27 January 2017
What Does the Rule Say? …

Mysterious Cluster of Amnesia Cases, Possibly Tied to Ppioids, Alarms Health Officials
Statnews | 26 January 2017
Concerned about is maybe a contaminant or…

Robert F Kennedy’s Devastating Quotes on Vaccines and the CDC
Jon Rappoport | 26 January 2017
Why the CDC can foist toxic…

7 Minutes on CDC
Age of Autism | 25 January 2017
CDC own…patents. It sells about $4.6…

Monsanto, EPA Seek to Keep Talks Secret On Glyphosate Cancer Review
USRTK | 19 January 2017
Defense against the Roundup…

Aetna and Humana Shares Fall after Federal Judge Blocks $34 Billion Merger
Market Watch | 23 January 2017
Could deal a fatal…

City of Everett Claims OxyContin Maker Allows Drug into Black Market, Plans to Sue
King 5 | 19 January 2017
(Local) Mayor says…

Researchers Use Stem Cells to Regenerate the External Layer of a Human Heart
PSU | 11 January 2017

The 1 Thing Every Cancer Patient Needs to Hear – Dr. Darrell Wolfe

Patient Group Challenges DEA over Statements on Health Risks of Cannabis
Cannifornian | 14 December 2016
Document below…

Request for Correction of Information Disseminated by DEA Regarding Marijuana (Cannabis)
American Safe Access |05 December 2016
Before the US Department of Justice…
YouTube | 18 September 2015
If you listen to all…dumb decisions…

Olle Johansson on Health Effects of Electromagnetic Fields

YouTube | 09 October 2014
Sweden has one of the largest cable…

WiFi – “Irreversible Sterility Within Five Generations”

YouTube | 10 May 2013
Prof. Olle Johansson…