Food & Health – Week of 01.15.17

Free Replay Weekend Ends 1/22/17 Midnight (EST)
Vaccines Revealed All Nine Episodes
VR | 20 January 2017
Extended through 1/22/17……

Robert F Kennedy Jr in Vermont: “Big Pharma’s Game Plan is to Remove Parental Informed Consent”

YouTube | 17 May 2015
Not to vote till you’ve seen Trace Amounts (Movie)…CDC Cesspool of…

Latest Solari Donation
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Launches the World Mercury Project
World Mercury Project | 15 January 2017
These companies are stealing that from (children)…

Examining RFK Jr.’s Claim that the CDC “Owns over 20 Vaccine Patents.”
Green Med Info | 17 January 2017
Murky CDC Practices….

The Lies About Andrew Wakefield
Age of Autism | 26 March 2016
Defence of the vaccine program hinges…

25 Facts About the Pharmaceutical Industry, Vaccines and “Anti-Vaxers”
Global Research | 25 February 2015
(Still relevant from 2015) Increases disease rates, study shows…

CDC “Spider” Scientists Attack the CDC, Blow the Lid Off
Jon Rappoport | 15 January 2017
Ethics at our agency…

Welcome to the BOUGHT Online Screening!
Bought Movie | 15 January 2017
Register for the worldwide free viewing January 14, 2017 – January 25, 2017.
GlaxoSmithKline plead…

California Says Oil Companies Can Keep Dumping Wastewater During State Review
KQED | 17 January 2017
Central Valley farmland…

Poison Fruit: Dow Chemical Wants Farmers to Keep Using a Pesticide Linked to Autism and ADHD
Intercept | 14 January 2017
Possible culprit: chlorpyrifos, a…

Escaped GMO Grass Threatens Oregon
Cornucopia | 13 January 2017
Hard to kill because…

U.S. Vegetable Output Remains Flat but Value is Up Due to Robust Domestic Prices
USDA | 01 November 2016
Decline of less…