Food & Health – 2nd Quarter 2019

FBI-Please Investigate NY State’s Currupt Vote to Repeal a Religious Freedom

Kevin Barry | 28 June 2019

Suicide Rates Soaring Among Black Teens
WebMD | 26 June 2019

Alan Phillips Update 45 days in Jail / Disbarment
FaceBook | 27 June 2019

Arkansas Hardest Hit By Trade War, Farmers Now Resort To Desperation Loans For Survival
Zero Hedge | 27 January 2019

Cider vinegar maker Bragg Live Foods snapped up by investor group led by Swander Pace Capital
Just Food | 27 June 2019

How We Can Eat Our Landscapes
TED | 00 May 2012

Latest Solari Donation
Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund
Farm to Consumer | 00 June 2019

Vax Not | 16 June 2019

Great Big Story | 25 June 2019

Sign Of The Times? Weather Patterns All Over The Planet Are Going Absolutely Nuts
End of the American Dream | 24 June 2019

Tampering Past The Tipping Point
Real Climate Science | 24 June 2019

Colorado’s snowpack is 40 times normal after rare summer solstice dump
Stamford Advocate | 24 June 2019

Whistle-Blower, Attorney Alan Phillips, Sent Back to Jail for THIRD Time and License Suspended for Refusing to Breach Attorney-Client Privilege
OHIOAMF | 20 May 2019

Google buries Mercola in their latest search engine update, Part
Mercola | 24 June 2019

Yanasa Ama Ranch | 31 May 2019

Media Satchel | 15 March 2015

Ice Age Farmer | 18 June 2019

Leasing Farmland 101 by Joel Salatin
Eco Farming Daily | 18 November 2018

Hyperbaric Medicine Conference
HBOT | 00 June 2019

Executive Order on Modernizing the Regulatory Framework for Agricultural Biotechnology Products
White House | 19 June 2019

Nanoparticle additives in your food
Mercola | 19 June 2019

Remedy: Ancient Medicine
for Modern Illness

The Sacred Science | 19 June 2019

UK Study Warns that Eating an Extra Fast Food Burger a Day Can Cause Dementia
G. Edward Griffin | 19 June 2019

Study: Dogs Detect Lung Cancer In Blood With Stunning 97% Accuracy
Study Finds | 20 June 2019

Trump Just Revolutionized Health Care — And Nobody Noticed
Issues and Insights | 19 June 2019

Lisa Haven | 19 June 2019

Physicians Rights | 18 June 2019

New Vax vs. UnVax Data: Autism Rates Show Unvaccinated at 1 in 715. Partially Vaccinated 1 in 440
Jeffery Jaxen | 17 March 2019

Save Our Food. Free the Seed.
NYT | 16 June 2019

Alternative Meat Market Poised for Growth
Statista | 17 June 2019

The Rise in Agriculture for the Next ECM
Martin Armstrong | 17 June 2019

Dr. Theresa Deisher’s Open Letter on Dangers of MMR Vaccine
The Fed Up Democrat | 16 June 2019

Latest Solari Donation
Vaccine Rights Legal Defense Fund
Patricia Finn | 17 June 2019

Trump Admin “Streamlines” GMO Regs
Giza Death Star | 14 June 2019

Illinois farmers give up on planting after floods, throw party instead
Reuters | 16 June 2019

New York Ends Religious Exemption to Vaccine Mandates
US News | 14 June 2019

The NSA is Tracking Online Porn Viewing to Discredit “Radicalizers”
EFF | 27 November 2013

Austria moves to ban glyphosate this year
Politico| 12 June 2019

Latest Solari Donation
Revisiting the Nevada Farm-to-Fork Raid
Farm to Consumer | 12 June 2019

The Health of Millennials
BCBS | 24 April 2019

SHOCK as Trump signs executive order that will end most regulations and oversight on genetically engineered food
Natural News | 12 June 2019

What the Hell Is Going On In the Dominican Republic?
Rolling Stone | 12 June 2019

This Merck subsidiary is expanding in Albany — and hiring
Biz Journal | 12 June 2019

Village Farms International Announces that Texas Governor Signs House Bill 1325 into Law, Legalizing the Cultivation of Hemp and Processing of Hemp and Hemp-Derived Products
PR News Wire | 11 June 2019

NYS Teachers Pension Fund Tied to Vaccine Manufacturers
Art Voice | 10 June 2019

Florida Expands Vaccination Programs In Response To The Worst Hepatitis A Outbreak In Recent History
WLRN | 12 June 2019

Fetal-tissue research: What it is, why it’s controversial and why the Trump administration is clamping down on it
Market Watch | 08 June 2019

Farmers Struggle Trade Wars Floods and Low Prices
USA Today | 06 June 2019

Close Ties and Financial Entanglements: The CDC-Guaranteed Vaccine Market
Childrens Health Defense | 06 June 2019

Statistics on Family Caregivers and Family Caregiving
Caregiver Action | 01 March 2009

‘No way to stop it’: millions of pigs culled across Asia as swine fever spreads
The Guardian | 05 June 2019

The fake meat gold rush
Axios | 05 June 2019

Measles, Masterminds & Millions Part 6
Coreys Digs | 19 May 2019

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services places new limits on use of human fetal tissue in research
Market Watch | 05 June 2019

Beyond Meat stock soars after first earnings report
Market Watch | 06 June 2019

Welcome to the Vaxxed Screening Event!
Offering a FREE worldwide stream of our film “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe” from 3 June thru 17 June

Vaxxed the Movie | 03 June 2019

Gates Foundation paying $1.6 million to influence UN Expert Process
Synbio Watch | 01 December 2017

Brooklyn yeshiva breaks out in fines — $13,000 in all — for failure to comply NYC health department orders on measles epidemic
NY Daily News | 31 May 2019

Jason Goodman| May 27 2019

CNBC TV | May 20 2019

Trump Administration Preparing Executive Order on Health-Cost Disclosure
WSJ | 24 May 2019

COVER-UP: How Are We Being Poisoned; Let Us Count The Ways – By Catherine J. Frompovich
Real Politik | 22 May 2019

Tyson Foods Invests in Israeli Clean Meat Company, Future Meat
Organic Authority | 07 May 2019

Jeffrey Smith and and his co-director Amy Hart are offering a REPLAY event May 24 at 7pm EST through May 27 at Midnight EST…
Secret Ingredients is showing FREE for 7 days!
Watch free online: 7PM May 15th – 2PM May 22nd (ET)

Secret Indgredients Movie | 01 April 2019

Secret Ingredients
Mercola | 18 May 2019

Secret Ingredients The Movie

Vimeo | January 2019

Floods & Drought Devastate Crops All Over The Planet; Is A Global Food Crisis Be Coming?
Zero Hedge | 23 May 2019

US Vaccine Court Sees 400% Spike in Vaccine Injuries Flu Shot Wins Top Honors for Biggest Payout | 21 May 2019

Measles, Masterminds & Millions
Corey Diggs | 04 May 2019

FDA Buying Tissue From Aborted Babies for Implantation Into “Humanized Mice”
The New American | 19 August 2018

In the Market for Fetal Body Parts, a Baby’s Brain Sells for $3,340
The Daily Signal | 20 April 2016

The HighWire with Del Bigtree | 14 May 2019

Tech Tracker: Burger King to deliver to L.A. motorists stuck in traffic
NRN | 15 May 2019

2019 Healthy Soil Summit
Acres USA | 00 May 2019

Woman Injured by Flu Vaccine Obtains $2.49 Million Settlement from U.S. Government
NBC | 05 May 2019

University of California System Halts Use of Glyphosate Herbicide
Independent Science News | 17 May 2019

Diverse Health Services | 03 January 2018


Dr. Tent: The EMF Health Solution
Electro Smog Rx | 15 May 2019

Diverse Health Services | 16 November 2012

Dr. Gonzalez was on the brink of breaking through…
Gonzales Protocol | 00 May 2019

Bayer says Monsanto likely kept files on influential people across Europe
Reuters | 13 May 2019

BOMBSHELL: Bayer discovers “black ops” division run by Monsanto, shuts it down, initiates internal investigation as law enforcement prepares criminal charges against the chemical giant”
Natural News | 15 May 2019

White House Wants Patients to Know Health-Care Prices Up Front
WSJ | 15 May 2019

What’s the Truth Behind MMR Vaccine Testing?
Mercola | 14 May 2019

Vaccinated Flight Attendant in Coma
Mercola | 07 May 2019

Crusade against anti-vaxxers: Russian Health ministry & consumer rights watchdog lead the charge
RT | 07 April 2019

Russian Orthodox Church Officially Opposes Compulsory Vaccinations of Children
HNN | 27 April 2019

Millennials Besieged by Chronic Illness: From Age 27, It’s All “Downhill”
Childrens Defense.Org | 14 May 2019

In Latest Roundup Herbicide Defeat for Bayer, Jury Awards California Couple $2 Billion
WSJ | 13 May 2019

Mercury in traditional medicines: Is cinnabar toxicologically similar to common mercurials?
NCBI | 29 April 2008

Destructive pest could spread to all of China’s grain production in 12 months
CNN | 12 May 2019

NHF Argues Against and Helps Defeat Organic Label Deception At Codex
TNHF| 13 May 2019

Legal Defense Fund for Dr. Kenneth Stoller
GoFundMe | 01 May 2019

High Impact Fix | 26 April 2019

Contrary To Some Press Reports, The CBO Study Should Be Seen As Useful And Encouraging To Advocates Of Medicare For All
Popular Resistance | 05 May 2019

Vaccination as Orthodoxy: Conflicts of Interest Undermine Children’s Health Part I
Children’s Health Defense | 10 May 2019

Free eBook: Conflicts of Interest Undermine Children’s Health
Children’s Health Defense | 10 May 2019

CNN admits the Health Ranger has been right all along: Sunscreen chemicals are absorbed into your bloodstream where they can promote cancer
Natural News | 09 May 2019

What did we find in the MMRV (Priorix Tetra) vaccine?
Corvella | 21 April 2019

Girl Lost Half Her Brain After MMR Vaccine
Humans Are Free | 05 May 2019

Russian Orthodox Church Officially Opposes Compulsory Vaccinations of Children
Russian Faith | April 29 2019

A cold-water cure? My weekend with the ‘Ice Man’
The Guardian UK | 08 May 2019

Denver first in U.S. to decriminalize psychedelic mushrooms
Denver Post | 08 May 2019

Tampa judge orders chemo for young cancer patient; leaves door open for alternatives
Fox 5 News | 08 May 2019

Keele University | 14 September 2018

Vizual Politik EN | 07 June 2018

How GMO Seeds and Monsanto/Bayer’s “RoundUp” are Driving US Policy in Venezuela
Mint Press News | 06 May 2019

The Approach Gov. Newsom is Implementing to Achieve ‘Single Payer’
CA Globe | 07 May 2019

The | 04 December 2018

Monsanto Argues Roundup Cancer Victim Should Receive Less Money Because of Imminent Death
Mercola | 07 May 2019

Lab Grown Meat to Hit Shelves Soon
Giza Death Star | 06 May 2019

Nevada Senate Passes Bill to Expand Raw Milk Sales, Take on a Federal Prohibition Scheme
Tenth Amendment Center | 26 April 2019

Cannabis industry questions new system that would add chemicals to marijuana for tracking purposes
Denver Post | 11 March 2019

CIO Aaron Miri on the Opportunity He “Couldn’t Pass Up”
Techapeek| 04 April 2019

World-first breakthrough improves on pasteurization and keeps milk fresh for 90 days
New Atlas | 01 May 2019

Factory “Organic” Causes Dairy Surplus
Cornucopia | 03 May 2019

Latest Solari Donation
OH Advocates for Medical Freedom | 03 May 2019

North Korea faces food crisis after poor harvest, U.N. says
Reuters | 03 May 2019

Food Revolution Summit
Food Revolution Summit | 00 May 2019

Scientist Jailed After Discovering Deadly Viruses Are Delivered Through Vaccines
Explain Life | 16 November 2018

Texas: Trading Food Stamps For Junk Food?
Libertarian Nation | 02 May 2019

Paul Revere and the Impending Medical Tyranny
The Truth About Cancer | 26 March 2019

Hydroponically Grown Produce Threatens Real Organic Agriculture
Truthout | 02 May 2019

‘A mass sterilization exercise’: Kenyan doctors find anti-fertility agent in UN tetanus vaccine
Life Site News | 06 November 2014

UPS helps big pharma: Vaccines made ‘easy’ for all adults in their home
Natural Health | 28 May 2019

6 Changes to the Nutrition Facts Label You Need to Know
SFC | 01 May 2019

California vaccine rules advance over emotional opposition
Register Guard | 25 April 2018

New York City Tickets 12 People For DEFYING Measles Vaccination Order!!!
Press For Truth | 27 April 2019

No more ‘shortcuts’ in prescribing opioids for chronic pain. Millions of Americans need nuanced care
Stat News | 26 April 2019

Flooding could. damage one million wells
Under News | 27 April 2019

America among most stressed nations
Under News | 28 April 2019

WA Becomes the First State to Approve Publicy Funded Long-Term Care
The Intercept | 25 April 2019

New deli pops up on east side, GQ brews up praise for Austin, plus more food news
Austin 360| 24 April 2019

in.gredients Is Closing (2018)
Austin Chronicle | 25 April 2018

Causes Serious Multi-Generational Health Damage to Rats – New WSU Research
Sustainable Pulse | 23 April 2019

Protecting Endangered Vegetables

Great Big Story | 24 May 2019

J.B. Handley: International scientists have found autism’s cause. What will Americans do?
JB Handley Blog | 02 April 2019

Could fluorescent lighting be changing your DNA?
KXAN | 19 April 2019

Water in Paradise, site of worst California fire, contaminated with cancer chemical
SF Gate | 18 March 2019

Royal Institute | 17 April 2019

Two British people DIE after receiving yellow fever vaccines as health chiefs urge doctors to use extreme caution before giving weak holidaymakers the jab against the killer virus
Daily Mail UK | 18 March 2019

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. among lawyers filing suit to block vaccination order
ABA Journal | 16 April 2019

Despite outbreaks, GOP opposing Democrats’ efforts to tighten vaccine laws
Salon | 18 April 2019

MCBS: Assemblyman introduces bill that would automatically register all NY adults for organ donor registry
HNN | 15 April 2019

Bayer beware! Monsanto found guilty of poisoning French farmer
RT | 12 April 2019

Healing Cancer Naturally For Over 30 Years
Dr. Nicholas Gonzales | 00 April 2019

The Countries With The Most Reported Measles Cases
Statistica | 17 April 2019

TThe EU’s Biggest Chocolate Producers
Statistica | 17 April 2019

The Medical Section at the Goetheanum breaks ties with Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophy
Otizvora | 14 April 2019

The Hit List of Doctors
Giza Death Star | 09 Arpil 2019

Dr. Richard Pan Introduces SB 276 to Combat Fake Medical Exemptions that Put Children and Communities at Risk
Richard Pan | 26 March 2019

“Revolutionary Bill to Reject Federal Gov’t, Prohibit Vaccines Until Proven Safe AND Necessary
Free Thought Project | 09 April 2019

TWILA | 05 April 2016

“Organic” Hydroponic Operations Allowed to Spray Glyphosate on the Soil
The Cornucopia Inst. | 11 April 2019

NYC Officials Listed Wrong Zip Code for Measkes Vaccination Order Then Changed it Without Telling Anyone
The Hill | 12 April 2019

Meat industry hits back at Government plant-based bias
Food Manufacture UK | 12 April 2019

Census of Ag: Farmer population continues to age
More women farming

Agri News | 11 April 2019

USDA releases ‘brutal’ stocks, planting reports
Agri News | 01 April 2019

VOA | 05 April 2019

Vaccine Inserts: Please Read Section 13 of These Insterts
The Fullerton Informer | 00 April 2019

Eastern Medicine: Journey Through Asia
Truth About Cancer | 10 April 2019

Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes in Vaccines all Found Murdered
DC Clothes Line | 29 March 2019

Latest Solari Donation
Autism Action Network Team 2019
Group Rev | 10 April 2019

Was Nipsey Hussle’s Death a Result of the War on Holistic Medicine?
Humans Are Free | 09 April 2019

Crusade against anti-vaxxers: Russian Health ministry & consumer rights watchdog lead the charge
RT | 07 April 2019

Measles Outbreak: New York City Orders Mandatory Vaccinations in Parts of Brooklyn
WSJ | 09 April 2019

New York Supreme Court overturns Rockland County’s “medical martial law” ban on unvaccinated children; medical fascist Ed Day rebuked by common sense
Natural News | 06 April 2019

Vaccine Safety Advocate and ICAN Founder Del Bigtree’s Controversial Speech Vindicated As Rockland County, NY, Supreme Court Overturns Ban of Non-Vaccinated Children In Public Spaces
Yahoo | 06 April 2019

Wuhan Enters Mushroom Psychedelic Medicine Market
Market’s Insider | 09 April 2019

A Mysterious Infection, Spanning the Globe in a Climate of Secrecy
NYT | 06 April 2019

CHD Launches Immediate Legal Challenge Against New York City’s Public Health Emergency Due to Measles
CHD | 09 April 2019

MMR Vaccine’s Poison Pill: Mumps After Puberty, Reduced Testosterone and Sperm Counts
CHD | 04 April 2019

How Soil Health Is Reflected in the Gut
Goop,com | 04 April 2019

Mobile phone electromagnetic radiation affects Amyloid Precursor Protein and α-synuclein metabolism in SH-SY5Y cells
Science Direct | 01 March 2019

The Places in America that Use the Most (and Least) Pesticides
Price Economics | 00 March 2019

Show your Support for Vaccine Rights Attorney Alan Phillips
OH AMF | 01 April 2019

Kind Earth | 02 June 2015

The Miracle Tree
Miracle Tree | 08 April 2019

Hillary Clinton PERSONALLY arranged for Chinese vaccine manufacturers to avoid US government scrutiny…
Bolen Report | 02 April 2019

81 women sue California hospital that put cameras in delivery rooms
NBC News | 02 April 2019

Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index
World Economic Forum | 25 February 2019