Avatar Update: Personal Opinion of Sofia Smallstorm

Please note that this is a personal newsletter written by Sofia Smallstorm. It is not “the news,” but rather a reflective way of sharing information.

Sofia covers a range of subjects. You will find more than “the basics” here. As explained in the header, this is her effort to bring you bits and pieces that have clarified her own understanding of things.

Onto the Terrace – November/December 2022

I know. I always start with something that seems flimsy or irrelevant…and then there’s a winding trail that follows and I finish up six or twelve pages later and my readers are thinking, Huh? Where have I been and how did she stick all that together? I’ll say this: It’s really not a stream of consciousness. There’s some kind of direction and organization to what appears as I type away, but I can’t even begin to explain what goes on between my fingers and some remote part of my head. So thank you, always, for your faithful reading.

Other Topics:
The Age of Anxiety
Tell Me a Little More About You
The Age of Knowledge
Tricks of the Brain
You Are Invited to A Second Life

Continue reading . . . . .


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