Avatar Update: Personal Opinion of Sofia Smallstorm

Please note that this is a personal newsletter written by Sofia Smallstorm. It is not “the news,” but rather a reflective way of sharing information.

Sofia covers a range of subjects. You will find more than “the basics” here. As explained in the header, this is her effort to bring you bits and pieces that have clarified her own understanding of things.

The Mischief Animal – September/October 2022

For some reason–for many, many, many, many years–I saved a short story from The New Yorker magazine that ran in October 1989. I say “for some reason” because I remember really liking this story, even reading it more than once, and when I read it again the other day my thought was Huh? What the hell did I like so much about this story? The title is “Berard’s Luck,” and it was written by Tom Chiarella, who is a creative writing professor at DePauw University in Indiana, and also fiction editor and a frequent contributor to Esquire magazine.

Other Topics:
Losing Your Mind
Shop Till You Drop
The Square of Life
Change is Sweet
The Secret Sauce

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