Avatar Update: Personal Opinion of Sofia Smallstorm

Please note that this is a personal newsletter written by Sofia Smallstorm. It is not “the news,” but rather a reflective way of sharing information.

Sofia covers a range of subjects. You will find more than “the basics” here. As explained in the header, this is her effort to bring you bits and pieces that have clarified her own understanding of things.

Mixed Realities – November 2020

In 1993, just a few hundred yards from the sea, Sheraton Hotels opened the Seagaia Ocean Dome in Japan. It boasted 12,000 square meters of sandy beach rendered from pulverized stones, and 13,500 tonnes of 82-degree chlorinated water. A wave machine sloshed the unsalted water toward the beach. If you look for photos of this water park, you will see it mobbed–the water bristling with bobbing human beings. Well over a million people paid the hefty entrance fee to see the place in 1995. No one seemed to mind the artificial lighting in the techno-looking ceiling or the paltry wall mural showing clouds and blue sky. The real beach, mind you, was outside, a stroll away, with real waves lapping a real shoreline and an uncluttered horizon and bonafide sky stretching for miles.

Other Topics:
Mixed Realities
There Is No Undo
New Order of the Ages
A Little Roundup Here and There
But Not On the Canola
The Partnership

Continue reading . . . . .


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