Science & Technology – Week of 05.21.17

How to Improve the Health of the Ocean
Economist | 27 May 2017
Humanity treats…

Airports Switch to “Virtual” Control Towers
Economist | 25 May2017
Centres using…

Smart Attack!

YouTube | 15 May 2017
Warning- Heavy irony ahead – Use critical…

Jolie Jones Interview of Professor Olle Johansson about EHS / EMF effects.

YouTube | 22 May 2017
5G, Unknown Consequences..

Crazy Funny Ukrainians Showing why you Shouldn’t have a Microwave Oven Unless you want a Weapon

YouTube | 00 May 2017
Do Not Try this at Home!!..

Technology, Jobs, and the Future of Work
Mckinsey | 00 May 2017
Digital Landscape, Numbers and Evaluations…

Is This Planned Ghost Town the City of the Future?
Wired | 24 May 2017
Large Scale Urban Experimentation..

Greenland Ice Core Records Show Profound Temp Decline
Ice Age Now | 24 May 2017
Betting on Warming is a Losing Bet…

Wheat Damage, Livestock Losses Mount After Wild Weekend Weather
Ag Web | 02 May 2017
Serious Crop Damage due to Cold…

France’s Top Vineyards Suffer Biggest Loss in Decades
Bloomberg | 06  May 2017
Wine Prices Double…

Google Starts Tracking Offline Shopping — What You Buy at Stores in Person
LA Time | 23 May 2017
Every Transaction is Data-Mined…

The Weaponization of “Science”
Corbett Report | 22 May 2017
Scientism, exemplified by…

Surf’s up: Monstrous 64-foot Wave Measured in Southern Ocean
USA Today | 22 May 2017
‘liquid Himalayas’…

We Finally Know How Water Bears Became So Damn Unkillable
Science Alert | 21 May 2017
Amazing Mirco Organisms…

Rhode Island’s “Surprising” Geoengineering Act of 2017
Activist Post | 21 May 2017
Legislative intent…

NASA Plans Emergency Space Walk on International Space Station
Reuters | 21 May 2017
Backup system…

Swiss Vote for Gradual Nuclear Phaseout, Energy Makeover
Yahoo | 21 May2017
Open-ended operating…

IBM Tells Remote Employees to Get Back to the Office
Mercury News | 18 May 2017
We are bringing small, self-directed agile teams together…

A Self-Repairing Surface that Stays Clean and Dry
The Economist | 11 May 2017
More Genetic Roulette….