Geopolitical – Week of 05.21.17

The Conspiracies that Won’t Go Away: Brother of 9/11 Victim Claim the US Orchestrated the Atrocity as New Study Shows It was Impossible that the Third Tower Collapsed from Fire
Daily Mail | 08 September 017
Provoking President Bush to…

Peace Through Mutual Blackmail: is that What’s Happening in Washington?
Jon Rappoport | 25 May 2017
Highly paid to deliberately provide…

Too Many Prisons make Bad People Worse. There is a Better Way
Economist | 27 May 2017
Learn from how…

“All White People Leave Campus OR ELSE!!” Tucker Covers INSANE Evergreen State College Story
Fox News | 26 May 2017
Mao Style Purge….

Students at Liberal Arts College Confront ‘Racist’ Biology Professor and Urge him to Resign after he Criticized Event Asking White People to Leave Campus for a Day
Daily Mail UK | 26 May 2017
Politics of Divide and Conquer…

” Claim In Front of Trump, Al-Sisi Exposes Supporters of Terrorism Syriana Analysis
YouTube | 22 May 2017
Egypt Makes a Point…

Macron Erupts on World Stage With Trump Snub and a Bromance
Bloomberg | 27 May 2017
Mr. Global’s Pick…

Must Watch: Ordinary Russians help Save Man from Burning Building
Russia Feed | 27 May 2017
The Russians Show their Stuff…

Believing The Russian Hacking
Zero Hedge | 27 May 2017
The Russians Ate my Homework…

Trump Promises Climate Decision Next Week after G7 Stalemate
Yahoo | 27 May 2017
Too be Decided..

Merkel Furious With Trump After “Unprecedented” G-7 Failure To Reach Consensus On Climate Change
Zero Hedge | 27 May 2017
Attenuated Climate Scam…

Convention of States-related Bill Hits Gov. Greg Abbott’s Desk
Texas Tribune | 27 May2017
22 states…

Decoding Donald Trump’s Body Language at the G7 Summit
Al Jazeera | 26 May 2017
Large and In Charge..

Thousands Drop off Food Stamp Rolls in Georgia After State Implements Work Requirements
Oath Keepers | 26 May 2017
Entitlement Changes are Here…

Trump’s ‘Evolving’ Climate Views Signal Path Forward on Paris
Bloomberg | 26 May 2017
More Campaign Promise Diversions???..

Secret Court Rebukes NSA for 5-Year Illegal surveillance of U.S. Citizens
Miami Herald | 26 May 2017
The IV Amendment is Toast…

Evidence Proves DNC Fabricated Russian Conspiracy In June 2016

Your News Wire | 26 May 2017
Excellent Technical Explanation….

Caught On Tape: Wasserman Schultz Threatens Police Chief For Investigating Her IT Staff’s Crimes
Zero Hedge | 25 May 2017
Above the Law Attitude..

Twitter Suspends WND for Seth Rich Report
WND | 24 May 2017
Twitter Gets Political…

Amairikun Edgykayshun hit Unbelievable Low: Not Much Comment Today…
JP Farrell | 24 May 2017
From the Comments Section….

This Bike Co-op is Helping to Build a Better Peoria
Strong Towns | 24 May 2017
Local Solutions…

Meet JK2 Westminster LLC – The Kushner Family Real Estate Subsidiary Preying On Poor People
Zero Hedge | 24 May 2017
The Big Club…

Jared Kushner’s Other Real Estate Empire
NYT | 23 May 2017
Neglectful and Litigious characterizations…

Army Lost Track of More than $1 Billion in Humvees, Weapons in Iraq, Report Says
NY Daily News | 24 May 2017
No Serious Investigations Underway…

The Hydraulic Power Of Money
RBN | 24 May 2017
Trump / Russian Connection….

Melania Trump in black at the Vatican. Why?
BBC | 24 May 2017
Western values…

Trump is About to Make his G7 Debut in Italy. Will he Make any Friends?
South China Morning Post | 24 May 2017
More Globalization, Yes or No??’s Statement on Seth Rich |24 May 2017
Scroll Down page to third frame…

Read the Full Transcript of Trump’s Call With Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte
The Intercept | 23 May 2017
Every member State…

Read New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s Remarkable Speech About Removing Confederate Monuments
Esquire | 23 May 2017
Confederate Generals are…

Bombshell: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich calls Seth Rich Murder an “Assassination.” Email leak “not Russians”
The Duran | 22 May 2017
The Gloves are Off…

Journalists Get New Protections in Vermont | 22 May 2017
State Sponsored First Amendment Protection…

Donald Trump Proposes Selling Half of the US Strategic Oil Reserve
AFR| 24 May 2017
Halving Strategic Oil Reserves…

Mnuchin Comments On Trump’s “Historic” Budget Proposal: “It Will Prevent Taxpayer Bailouts”
Zero Hedge | 23 May 2017
Small businesses and American workers…

America First: A Budget Blueprint to Make America Great Again
White House | 22 May 2017
PDF: A Budget Blueprint to Make America Great Again
Trump’s federal budget 2018 proposal in pdf…Table of Contents pdf page 5…

Everything you need to know about Trump’s budget
Politico | 24 May2017
But wait, there’s…

U.S. Federal Budget 2018 Breakdown
The Balance | 24 May 2017
$4.094 trillion…

Brazil President Temer: ‘I won’t Resign. Oust Me if you Want’
Reuters | 22 May 2017
Systemic Corruption..

Everything’s Coming Up Rosy in Trump Budget Economy Scenario
Bloomberg | 22 May 2017
Causes the Fed to…

President Trump’s Taxpayer First Budget
White House | 22 May 2017
Ten points…

White House: Office of Management and Budget
White House | May 2017
assist the President in meeting his policy, budget, management and regulatory…

DNC Battling class-action Suit Alleging Sanders was Robbed in 2016
Fox News | 22 May2017
Behalf of residents of ?? states…

Al-Saud’s Only Gamble Option
Saker| 22 May2017
Third of their stash on…

What Right-wing Populism? Polls Reveal that It’s Liberalism that’s Surging
Vox | 22 May 2017
Seemed to indicate a massive…

Trump Budget Plan Slashes Food Stamps, Healthcare for Poor
Reuters | 22 May 2017
Spending over 10 years…

Former FBI Chief Comey Postpones Testimony Before House Committee
Reuters | 22 May 2017
Wanted to speak with…

No Rape Accusation,’ Typical Secret Services Ploy – Ex-CIA officer on Assange case

YouTube | 19 May 2017
CIA officer of 27 years…

Donald Trump Attacks Iran
YouTube | 21 May 2017

Trump opens Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology with Egypt’s al-Sissi, Saudi Arabia’s Salman
Washington Post | 21 May 2017
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia…

Trump tells Middle East to ‘Drive Out’ Islamist Extremists
Reuters | 21 May 2017
Not use his signature…

Trumps Saudi Speech Transcript
Zero Hedge | 21 May 2017
$110 billion Saudi-funded…

Matt Taibbi: How Did Russiagate Start?
Zero Hedge | 21 May 2017
Clapper back in March told

North Korea Tests another Missile; Seoul says Dashes Hopes for Peace
Reuters | 21 May 2017
Extended-range version of

43rd G7 summit will be held on May 26–27, 2017
Wikipedia | 21 May2017
As well as representatives of the European…

Getting Julian Assange: The Untold Story
Information Clearing House | 21 May 2017
Jury has sought for almost seven years to…

Roger Waters – Is This the Life We really Want?
Saker | 20 May 2017

Trailer Bilderberg the Movie

YouTube | 26 January 2017
By Daniel Estulin. Directed and edited by…

2017 Bilderberg Meeting, June 1-4, Chantilly Virginia USA
Bilderberg Meetings |20 May 2017
No resolutions are proposed, no votes are taken, and no…

List of Bilderberg Meetings
Wikipedia | 20 May 2017
1954 with politicians…

Why FBI Can’t Tell All on Trump, Russia
Who What Why | 17 May 2017
Would Jeopardize…