Geopolitical – Week of 04.09.17

North Korean Missile “Blows Up” During Launch; President Trump Aware, Has “No Further Comment”
Zero Hedge | 15 April 2017
Unidentified missile but the test…

Is Putin Incorruptible?
Off Guardian | 15 April 2017
How Chess on The World Stage is Played…

Genie Oil: The Syria, Goldman Sachs, Israel, ISIS connection – See more at:
True News |14 April 2017
Goldman Pipeline Connection…

Facebook Suspends 30,000 French Accounts 10 days Before Election in Attempt to Censor Le Pen Supporters
The Gateway Pundit | 14 April 2017
More Globalist Censorship…..

White House Claims on Syria Chemical Attack ‘Obviously False’- Prof. Theodor Postol of MIT
RT | 14 April 2017
Serious questions…

Signed By Governor: Arizona Law Takes on State, Federal Asset Forfeiture
Tenth Amendment Center | 13 April 2017
AZ Stands Up….

YouTube | 12 April 2017
Without a doubt…

Lawmakers Demand Trump Pump Brakes on Military Action in Yemen
Anti Media | 12 April 2017
attack could push the country into full-blown…

Top Ten Reasons to Doubt Official Story on Assad Poison-gas Attack
InfoWars | 14 April 2017

Trump’s CIA Director Pompeo, Targeting WikiLeaks, Explicitly Threatens Speech and Press Freedoms
Intercept | 14 April 2017
Stood up in public and explicitly…

The U.S. and China: Why the Sudden Convergence on North Korea?
Charles Hugh Smith | 14 April 2017
drama is telegraphing that…

Former Afghan President Calls Decision to Drop Massive U.S. Bomb ‘Treason’
Reuters | 15 April 2017
Public reaction…

Rex Tillerson meets with Foreign Minister Lavrov and President Putin
The Saker | 13 April 2017
Not agreed upon…

U.S. Drops Largest Non-Nuclear Bomb on ISIS Target in Afghanistan, Military Officials Say
KTLA | 13 April 2017
Further away” from dictating military…

Vice President Pence Heads to Seoul as North Korea Tensions Flare
Reuters | 14 April 2017
Long-planned 10-day trip to…

US Sending Dozens More Troops to Somalia
CNN | 14 April 2017
Special operations forces already…

British Intelligence Passed Trump Associates’ Communications with Russians on to US Counterparts
CNN | 14 April 2017
“Five Eyes”…

The Astonishing Reinvention of Donald Trump
Twitter | 14 April 2017
All records for breaking…

In About-face, Trump Nominates New Head of Export Bank
Reuters | 14 April 2017
Act on loans over $10…

Trump Just Appointed a Chemical Industry Honcho to Protect Us From Chemicals
Mother Jones | 14 April 2017
Stint working directly…

Trump Flips On Five Core Campaign Promises In Under 24 Hours
Zero Hedge | 13 April 2017
Mainstream politician now appears…

Trump May Send Up To 50,000 Troops To Syria
Zero Hedge | 13 April 2017
Islamic State strategy…

‘I Don’t Believe a Word of It’ – CIA Whistleblower on US Intelligence about Syria Chemical Attack
RT | 13 April 2017
Believe…John Kiriakou…

Syria Accuses US Of Hitting ISIS Chemical Weapons Depot Killing Hundreds; Russia Sends Drones
Zero Hedge | 13 April 2017
Daesh’s headquarters and depot with…

U.S.-Led Coalition Airstrike Kills 18 Anti-Assad Fighters in Syria: Pentagon
NBC News | 13 April 2017
Lent their air…

Saudi Banks, Bin Laden Companies face $4.2 Billion U.S. Lawsuit by 9/11 Insurers
Reuters | 13 April 2017
Liable for the attacks…

McMaster Using Leaks to Fake News to Push Out Steve Bannon; Sexual Harassment at NSC
Medium | 13 April 2017
Deep state drama…

U.S. May Launch Strike if North Korea Reaches for Nuclear Trigger
NBC News | 13 april 2017
Include missiles and…

Every Time John McCain Makes Secret Trips to Syria, Chemical Weapon Attacks FollowThe Duran | 12 April 2017
Yet Another Amazing Coincidence…

China’s Split With Russia on Syria Signals Warmer Xi-Trump Ties
Bloomberg | 12 April 2017
Abstention a gesture of “considerable”…

Trump Reverses Himself On 6 Major Issues In 2 Days
Huffington Post | 12 April 2017
Came in an interview with…

Haitian Girl Forced to Have Sex with Nearly 50 UN Workers as Part of Child sex Ring Involving at least 134 Peacekeepers
Daily Mail | 12 April 2017
Internal UN report…

Why I Left United Airlines
The New Yorker | 14 November 2014
Monopoly has it’s Costs..
Melanie Trump Receives Settlement Apology from Daily Mail
Gateway Pundit | 12 April 2017
No evidence to support…

Trump Withholds Syria-Sarin Evidence
Consortium News | 12 April 2017
Evidence MIA…

Is That Armageddon Over The Horizon?
Paul Craig Roberts | 12 April 2017
Consequences are Inevitable..

Trump Says There’s No Plan For US Boots On The Ground In Syria
Western Journalism | 12 April 2017
Let’s All Hope…

Kim’s Fate Sealed; Elite US Navy Seal squad that killed Osama bin Laden ‘is Training up in South Korea to Take Out Kim Jong-un’
The Sun | 12 April 2017
Apparently, not a Very Stealthy Op….

China Warns North Korea Situation Has Hit “Tipping Point”, Threatens “Never Before Seen” Measures
Zero Hedge | 12 April 2017
More Interesting Chess Moves..

China Threatens To Bomb North Korea’s Nuclear Facilities If It Crosses Beijing’s “Bottom Line”
Zero Hedge | 12 April 2017
Allegations: China to Handle North Korea..

United Airlines Boss Oscar Munoz Will Not Resign
BBC | 12 April 2017
No Accountability…

Melenchon Crashes Front-Runners’ Party as French Risks Rise
Bloomberg | 12 April 2017
Screaming Resistance…

Rothschild Demands Western Nations Invade Syria
Your Newswire | 11 April 2017
Mr. Global wants Syria…

Ivanka Trump Influenced my Father to Launch Syria Strikes, Reveals Brother Eric
Telegraph | 11 April 2017
Daddy’s Little Girl Exerts Influence…

United passenger threatened with handcuffs to make room for ‘higher-priority’ traveler
LA Times | 11 April 2017
UA Just Keeps on Digging…

Michael Savage Begs Trump to Stop WW III
Info Wars | 11 April 2017
A Plea for Sanity…

Exclusive: North Korean Ships Head Home after China Orders Coal Returned
Reuters | 11 April 2017
China Sanctions North Korean…

The Takeover of Trump – Timeline
Bionic Mosquito | 11 April 2017
Mr. Global Strikes Back…

Migrants from west Africa being ‘sold in Libyan slave markets’
Guardian | 10 April 2017
Slave markets for…

Timeline of the Coup
Populist | 09 April 2017
Ascendency into power of…

Too Much Federal Regulation has Piled up in America
The Economist | 02 March 2017
Excessive Red Tape is Bi-Partisan..

State of Great Kurdistan to be Created in Syria and Iraq
Inside Syria Media Center | 17 March 2017
Kurdistan Resurrected…

President Trump Just Signed An Order That Will Make Trey Gowdy VERY Happy
Main Republic | 11 April 2017
Bengazi Investigation II in the Wings?…

Is Government Shutdown Likely Under One-Party Rule? Possibly Under Trump
Federal Times | 31 March 2017
What Consequences Will Hitting the Debt Ceiling bring???….

United CEO Defends Staff’s Violent “Reccomodation” Of “Belligerent” Passenger
Zero Hedge | 11 April 2017
Unite Defends Passenger Beat Down…

Dr Pieczenik Warns Trump, Mathis and McMaster About Going to War in Syria

Info Wars | 10 April 2017
Dereliction of Duty..

Prominent Democrats Call For Anti-War Congresswoman To Be Ousted From Office
Daily Caller | 10 April 2017
Independent investigation…

Washington’s False Flag: United Nations Confirmed that US Supported Syrian “Rebels” Were Using Chemical Weapons
Global Research | 10 April 2017
Bombing Taiwan after Pearl Harbor action…

My Strategy For Confronting and Defeating the Status Quo
Liberty Blitzkrieg | 10 April 2017
Good Information is Key…

Theresa Distance from Don Split Opens Between Washington and London over Syria after Theresa May Refused to Back New Strikes on Assad
The Sun UK | 10 April 2017
The Anglosphere Split Widens….

Peggy Noonan Wins 2017 Pulitzer Prize for Commentary
WSJ | 10 April
Noonan Reviews Revelations…

Sen. Angus King: ‘Huge Mistake’ to Send U.S. Ground Troops to Syria
CNS News | 10 April 2017
Master of the Obvious Assessment…

Trump Sued For Not Releasing White House Visitor Logs
Zero Hedge | 10 April 2017
No Transparency here folks…


The Oil-Gas War Over Syria, in Maps
Strategic Culture | 24 October 2016
The Oil War Illustrated..

Stop the Execution Madness in Arkansas: John Grisham
John Grisham | 10 April 2017
Clemency is Not an Option…

United Airlines is Pleased to Announce new Seating on all Domestic Flights- in Addition to United First and Economy Plus we Introduce….
Twitter | 10 April 2017
Warning Will Robinson!! “Satire”….

This is your face. This is how corporations treat you. This is what we’ve let America become
Bob Sullivan | 10 April 2017
The “Rollerball” World is Here…

Californian Gunman Kills Wife, Self as She Teaches Class; Student also Dead
Reuters | 10 April 2017
Another School Shooting..

Fight Looms Over Planned Rollback of Net-Neutrality Rules
WSJ | 10 April 2017
Net Neutrality Rears It’s Ugly Head…

Rothschild´s/CFR´s Echo. Hillary Clinton/Wikileaks: We must Destroy Syria and Pres. Al-Assad for Israel
NewEuro-Med.Dk | 09 April 2017
The Joys of Middle East Intervention…

Tillerson, Haley Issue Differing Statements on Future of Assad in Syria
Washington Post | 09 April 2017
Circles Within Circles…

Trump and Syria: a Rant
JP Farrell | 10 April 2017
Has Trump Drunk the Neo-Con Kool-Aid??….

Petraeus and McMaster have Taken Over the NSC, Want Massive Ground War with Syria
Medium | 09 April 2017
Neo-Con Takeover NSC….

Man Forcibly Removed from Overbooked United Airlines Flight
Twitter | 09 April 2017
Heavy Handed Corporate Action…

U.S. Navy Strike Group to Move Moward Korean Peninsula: U.S. official
Reuters | 09 April 2017
No Apparent Peace Dividend…

Russia and Iran Pledge to Hit Back against further Syria Strikes as they Blast US for ‘Crossing Red Lines’
Sun UK | 09 April 2017
Disrupt the…

Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Syria Strike Was A Message To China And North Korea

YouTube | 08 April 2017
Understand two elements…

Iran’s Rouhani Slams US Military Action in Syria, Calls for ‘Impartial Fact-Finding Probe’
RT | 08 April 2017
Iran and Others Want Proof…