Geopolitical – Week of 02.12.17

Kucinich: “The White House is Under Attack from Elements Inside the Intelligence Community!”

YouTube | 15 February 2017
(Relevant compilation in commentary) White House under Attack..

There Appears to have been No Basis for a Criminal or Intelligence Probe
National Review | 18 February 2017
More resources to undermining…

YouTube | 18 February 2017
Consequences of Regime Change in Syria…

Tulsi Gabbard Speaks Out Against the Regime Change War in Syria

YouTube | 18 February 2017
Understand the consequences…

Merkel Stresses NATO also Crucial for US
DW | 18 February 2017

Sofia Smallstorm Interviews Catherine Austin Fitts – Audio
About the Sky | 17 February 2017
Philosophies on what we …

Piers Morgan: Media Fueling ‘Crazy Hysteria’ Against Trump

YouTube | 15 February 2017
So called…

Jay Sekulow: Obama Should Be “Held Accountable” For The “Soft Coup” Against Trump
ZeroHedge | 18 February 2017
New rules significantly relax… N.S.A. …

Trump-Netanyahu Meeting a Vindication for Top White House Aide
Newsweek | 15 February 2017
Netanyahu approval..

Tillerson and Lavrov Meet in Bonn
Duran | 17 February 2017
Precedent by insisting that the media…

Which Nation Do Americans See As Their Greatest Enemy (Spoiler Alert: It’s Not Russia)
ZeroHedge | 18 February 2017
Chart shows the percentage…

The Deep State Targets Trump
ICH | 17 February 2017
The real crime is…

It’s a Bloodbath at the State Department
NY Post | 17 February 2017
Sign to…

Pablo Escobar’s Son Reveals His Dad “Worked for the CIA Selling Cocaine” — Media Silent
Blacklisted News | 17 February 2017
Trade ravaging African…

Carson ‘Speechless’ After Top Aide Fired from HUD over Anti-Trump Op-ed
The Hill | 17 February 2017
Upset by…

The Great Wailing
ZeroHedge | 17 February 2017

The Washington Post Actually Takes Russian Government Money (Unlike The Websites It Helped Slander)
ZeroHedge | 17 February 2017
Beyond the Headlines…

At Cerberus, Feinberg Built a Web of National Security Ties
Bloomberg | 16 February 2017
Biggest current investment…

Traditional Media Firms are Enjoying a Trump Bump
Economist | 16 February 2017

Labor Secretary nominee Alexander Acosta gave ‘sweetheart deal’ to sex offender Jeffrey Epstein
NY Daily | 16 February 2017

Netanyahu on US-Israel Relationship Under President Trump
Fox News | 16 February 2017
Prime Minister talks…

Trump Does Something Right! Very Good Press Conference Today
Saker | 16 February 2017
Here is his press conference…

The Road To Hell Was Paved With College Safe Spaces
ZeroHedge | 16 February 2017
Because it’s a way to …

Fed Appeals Court: Immigrant Who Voted Illegally Can be Deported
Judicial Watch | 16 February 2017
Form sternly warns…

Feds Make Record Gains On Human Trafficking As Global Networks Broken Up
ZeroHedge | 16 February 2017

The Flynn Shafting – What ‘Fake News’ Has Not Told You #1
Nexus News | 16 February 2017
Power to…

Maryland Attorney General Frosh Awarded Expanded Power to Sue Trump Administration
Baltimore Sun | 15 February 2017
Broad authority to bypass the governor…

The Flynn Shafting – What ‘Fake News’ Has Not Told You #2
Nexus News | 14 February 2017
Commander of…

All Eyes on Tillerson’s Debut at G20 in Germany
Yahoo | 16 February 2017
Effectiveness of our joint…

Trump Asks Billionaire Steve Feinberg To Review Intel Agencies
NBC News | 16 February 2017
And other…

Michael Flynn: Minding Our Own Business vs. Saving the World
Jon Rappoport | 15 February 2017
Each “solution”…

Zero Hedge Top Stories
Zero Hedge | 16 February 2017
Top Stories..

Sorry Media — this Press Conference Played very Different with Trump’s Supporters
NY Post | 16 February 2017
Positively exuberant. His performance…

Robert Harward Rejects Trump’s Offer To Become Next National Security Advisor
ZeroHedge | 16 February 2017
Troubling if…

Trump’s F-35 Calls Came With a Surprise: Rival CEO Was Listening
Bloomberg | 16 February 2017
Air Force general…

Did the Deep State Facilitate Flynn’s Resignation? (1/2)

YouTube | 15 February 2017
Difference between…

Did the Deep State Facilitate Flynn’s Resignation? (2/2)
YouTube | 15 February 2017
Power struggle between…

BREAKING : Nigel Farage – You’re In For a Bigger Shock in 2017
EFD | 14 February 2017
Greater Shock…

First Big Defeat for Donald Trump as Michael Flynn Exits
Duran | 14 February 2017
Cannot see how this could possibly…

U.S. National Security Advisor Michael Flynn resigns after intel leaks.
Info Wars | 14 February 2017
Jones on Flynn..

Michelle Lee Continues to Sign Issued Patents, Possible Larger Administration Role Suggested
IP Watchdog | 15 February 2017
Issa has affirmatively…

The Swamp Strikes Back
ICH | 15 February 2017
By Pepe Escobar…

The Public Should Demand to See the Michael Flynn Transcript
Liberty Blitzkrieg | 15 February 2017
Demand to See..

Fatal Error. Feinberg/Cerebus Lead Investor Dyncorp. Conflicts of Merc’s Reviewing Civil Service Intel are Profound
Twitter | 15 February 2017
Review intelligence agencies…

Americans Just Broke the Psychologists’ Stress Record
Bloomberg | 15 February 2017
Record Stress…

Rohrabacher Staffer, 71, Knocked Unconscious By Protestors Delivering Cards
CBS L.A. | 15 February 2017
Knocked Unconscious..

‘He will die in jail’: Intelligence community ready to ‘go nuclear’ on Trump, senior source says
Raw Story | 15 February 2017
Die in jail..

Ashton Kutcher’s Lovefest With the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Roll Call | 15 February 2017
Kutcher on Human Trafficking…

Hillary Clinton References Pizzagate in Tweet to General Flynn
ZeroHedge | 14 February 2017

12 TSA Agents Just Indicted for Smuggling $100 Million Worth of Cocaine
Anti Media | 14 February 2017
TSA Agents Smuggling…

The Political Assassination of Michael Flynn
Bloomberg | 14 February 2017

Western Interests Aim To Flummox Russia
Paul Craig Roberts | 14 February 2017
Flummox Russia..

Former Obama Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn
Freebeacon | 14 February 2017
Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn..

Hundreds of US Troops, Tanks Arrive in Romania
Sputnik News | 14 February 2017
US Tanks arrive in Romania..

Trump Expects Russia to ‘Return Crimea’ to Ukraine – White House
Sputnik News | 14 February 2017
Russia to Return to the Crimea..

The Left’s Alinsky Plan to Destroy the Trump Administration
Breitbart | 14 February 2017
Left’s Plan to Destroy..

The anti-Flynn ‘deep state’ coup – spelling it out in the clearest way possible
The Saker | 14 February 2017
Deep State coup..

Trump caves on Flynn Resignation
Consortium News | 14 February 2017
Trump caves..

Flynn’s Calls With Russia’s Ambassador: Who Knew What, and When?
The Atlantic | 14 February 2017
Flynn Resigns Questions..

Brother Of Kim Jong Un Assassinated In Malaysia US; “Strongly Believes” North Korea Behind Murder
Zero Hedge | 14 February 2017
Kim Jong Un Assassinated…

The Neocons and the “deep state” have neutered the Trump Presidency, it’s over folks! (UPDATED 2x)
The Saker | 14 February 2017
Trump’s Presidency is over..

Iowa Moves To Restrict Collective Bargaining For Public Sector Workers
NPR | 14 February 2017
Exempting public safety workers divides…

Merkel Might Lose After All
Spiegel | 14 February 2017
Right moment to…

Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordoñez During a Conference in 2012 | Josep Lago/AFP via Getty Images
Ex-central Bank Chief Charged Over Spanish Banking Scandal

Politico | 13 Feburary 2017
Spain Follows Iceland’s Lead…

Does China Have a Nuclear Submarine That Could Beat the U.S. Navy?
National Interest | 13 February 2017

Chinese Naval Threat…

Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn resigns
Fox News | 13 February 2017
Flynn resigns..

Giza Death Star | 13 February 2017
Earthquake Weapons…

The CIA Really Is Out to Get General Flynn
PJ Media | 13 February 2017
CIA out for Flynn..

China”Seriously Concerned And Opposed” After Trump Backs Japan Over Disputed East China Sea Islands
Zero Hedge | 13 February 2017
China seriously concerned..

Which Trump Appointee Will Be Fired First: Here Are The Odds
Zero Hedge | 13 February 2017
Odds on Fired 1st…

Juan Williams: Trump and GOP collide with reality
Juan Williams | 13 February 2017
Trump GOP collide..

Germany Picks Anti-Trump President as Trans-Atlantic Bonds Fray
Bloomberg | 12 February 2017
Stints as foreign minister…

Greece Warned Troika They are Playing with Fire
Armstrong Economics | 12 February 2017
EU will pay the…

Power Line Blog | 11 February 2017
Islamophobic False Flag??

Journalists Who Obtain Leaked Official Material Could be Sent to Prison Under New Proposals
Telegraph | 11 February 2017
Courts the power to…

Jean-Claude Juncker ‘Will not Seek Re-election’ and Warns Europe may not be United during Brexit Talks
Independent | 11 February 2017
President of the European…

The ExxonMobil near-disaster you probably haven’t heard of
Center for Public Integrity | 10 February 2017
Near Miss Lethal Gas..

Jury Hears Openings in Trial for 6 in Bundy Ranch Standoff | 09 February 2017
Up to 10 weeks…

Piers Morgan: Media Determined to Bring Trump Down

YouTube | 06 February 2017
Collusion between Democratic Party and…

Trump’s New World Order
YouTube | 05 February 2017
Look a bit like…

Action Plan for President Trump
Heartland | 17 February 2017
Clearing house of…

The Top Censored Stories of 2015-2016
Project Censored | 17 February 2017
Seventy percent..