Geopolitical – Week of 01.01.17

German Vice Chancellor Says “European Break Up No Longer Unthinkable”
Zero Hedge | 07 January 2017
Left Europe more…

Who Does America Believe? 84,000 Votes Later, Here Is The Answer
Zero Hedge | 07 January 2017
1 in 6 believe in…

Trump Nominates Coats as Intelligence Director
Infowars | 07 January 2017
Demonstrated the deep…

Dan Coats
Wikipedia | 07 January 2017
Coats was appointed to Quayle’s…

UN warns Damascus Water Crisis May Be ‘War Crime,’ as 5.5 Million People Affected
RT | 06 January 2017
Blame is…

Suspected Fort Lauderdale Airport Gunman Esteban Santiago, 26, told FBI that CIA was Forcing Him to Join ISIS
NY Daily | 06 January 2017
Sitting down on the floor…calmly surrendered…

Facebook Activates Safety Check Feature For Deadly Mass Shooting
CBS Miami | 06 January 2017
Moments like this…

Family: Shooting Suspect “Lost His Mind” After Tour In Iraq
CBS Miami | 06 January 2017
Came out shooting…

John Harwood Asks “Who Do You Believe America?” – Gets Surprising Answer
Zero Hedge | 06 January 2017
Why Donald Trump…

Pizagate Flu Update: Feds Demand Right to Rig Elections From DC
Info Wars | 06 January 2017
Injecting secrecy…

California Funds 1st US Inmate Sex Reassignment
AP | 06 January 2017
Not readily…

Mind Manipulations to Influence Election Results
The Saker | 06 January 2017
Just ask the FBI or NSA to…

More Waste of Taxpayers Money Regarding Allegations of Russian Hacking
Mother Jones | 06 January 2017
Makes its case…

The History of the CIA
Global Research | 05 January 2017
CIA business…DEA business…led to the Homeland…

Trump Aims to Cut the Neocon Deep State Off at the Knees
Charles Hugh Smith | 05 January 2017
U.S. military is now…

Rohrabacher Plans First Congressional Delegation trip to Russia after Trump Inaugural
RT | 05 January 2017
US House Foreign Affairs subcommittee…

New Questions Arise about FBI Probe into ‘Russian’ Election-year Hacking as it’s Revealed They Never Asked to Examine Democratic Party’s Server
Daily Mail| 05 January 2017
To ask…

The Coup Against Truth
ICH | 05 January 2017
Now institutionalized…

CNN Apologizes to Julian Assange after Commentator Calls Him ‘a Pedophile’
NY Daily News | 05 January 2017
Assange went on Fox News and…

Senators Graham and McCain: Pizzagate Flu?
ICH | 05 January 2017
Senators vow to…

Trump’s Debt Held by Wall Street Could Reportedly Pose Conflicts for New Administration
CNBC | 05 January 2017
Suddenly personally…

Lithuania Confirms Presence of US Special Forces as a ‘Deterrence Against Russian Aggression’
RT | 05 January 2017
US senators visiting…

Russian Warships Dock in Philippines on Goodwill Visit, Look Forward to Joint Drills
RT | 05 January 2017
Defense relationship between the United States and…

‘Death to Daesh!’ Thousands protest against ISIS in western Afghanistan
RT | 05 January 2017
Create sectarian…

5-yr Ukraine Ban Proposed for Le Pen After Her ‘No Illegal Annexation’ Comment on Crimea
RT | 04 January 2017
96 percent of Crimean…

It’s The “Most Volatile” Year For Political Risk Since World War II
Zero Hedge | 04 January 2017
Only China on a…

Insider Justice: IMF’s Christine Lagarde Walks Scot Free after French Court Convicts Her of Losing 400 Million Euros
The Duran | 04 January 2017
Finance Ministries from around the world…

Trump Is Working On A Plan To Restructure, Pare Back The CIA And America’s Top Spy Agency
Zero Hedge | 04 January 2017
Security adviser…

US Coalition Spared ISIS Oil Production Facilities in Syria – Russian MoD
RT | 04 January 2017
Sparing the ISIL oil…

Donald Trump Nominates Wall Street Lawyer to Head S.E.C.
NY Times | 04 January 2017
Nearly his entire career in…

WashPost Is Richly Rewarded for False News About Russia Threat While Public Is Deceived
The Intercept | 04 January 2017
Viral, generating…

U.S. Foreign Policy and the Campaign to Destabilize the Trump Presidency
Global Research | 04 January 2017
Intended to create political and…

Ted Cruz Introduces Constitutional Amendment on Congressional Term Limits
Breitbart | 04 January 2017

Lockheed, General Dynamics, DynCorp End 2016 with Hundreds of Millions in Key Contracts
Biz Journals | 03 January 2017

The President Executive Order 13757 December 28, 2016 Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency With Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities
Treasury | 03 January 2017
Federal Register Vol. 82, No. 1 Tuesday, January 3, 2017 Title 3…

From the Annual Wrap Up: Who’s Who in the Transition?
Solari | 01 January 2017
Trump transition team…

WikiLeaks Threatens to Sue CNN over Commentator Calling Assange ‘Pedophile’
The Hill | 04 January 2017
Counter terrorism…

US Sends Special Forces to Russian Border as Nato is Poised to Strike Back Against Vladimir Putin’s ‘Aggression’
The Sun | 04 January 2017

Masses Shocked By Philly Beverage Tax Impact
Zero Hedge | 04 January 2017
$6.47. Today it is $9.75…

Here are the Fastest Growing and Shrinking States in the US
BI | 04 January 2017
Utah is…

Latest Solari Donation
Donate to WikiLeaks
Wikleaks | 03 January 2017
Via the Freedom of the Press Foundation or the Wau Holland Foundation…

WikiLeaks Hints At Huge Upcoming Revelations: “2017 Will Blow You Away”
Zero Hedge | 03 January 2017
Ask WikiLeaks’ publisher…

Trump’s Cabinet Picks: Here are All of the Appointments so Far
Guardian | 03 January 2017
Government experience…

Fragmentation and the De-Optimization of Centralization
Washington’s Blog | 02 January 2017
Charles Hugh Smith: Don’t even question…

Assange To Hannity: Source For WikiLeaks Was Not Russian Government
Real Clear Politics | 02 January 2017
Our source…

The House GOP’s Ethics vote: What was All that About, Anyway?
Politifact | 03 January 2017
Substantive concerns…

When a Luxury Apartment Becomes a Jail Cell
Real Deal | 02 January 2017
Flight risk…

Police Question Netanyahu in Graft Investigation
JPost | 02 January 2017
Several interrogation…

Trump Supporter Bo Dietl Plans to Oppose De Blasio for NYC Mayor
News Max | 02 January 2017

Clinton Foundation CEO Declared ‘Missing’ By the Internet After Going Public Saying ‘Follow the Money’
Free Thought Project | 01 January 2017
(See video in Wildcards) Abedin…Podesta discussed a problem…

Trump Celebrates New Year’s Eve with Ex-felon with Mob Ties
Undernews | 01 January 2017
Released video…

No US Carrier at Sea Leaves Gap in Middle East
Fox News | 30 December 2016
U.S. Navy amphibious assault…

Who is Supporting ISIS-Daesh in Syria? Erdogan or Obama? “Cross-Cutting Coalitions”, NATO Military Alliance in Crisis
Global Research | 28 December 2016
Concern to Erdogan is…

Field of Vision – Relatively Free

YouTube | 21 December 2016
Files contained…Government security agencies and…

Politico: Dick Cheney Emerging as Key Trump Adviser
Newsmax | 16 December 2016
Rubio received a call from Cheney…

Newsmax Media
Wikipedia | 07 January 2017
Targeting higher-incomed Baby boomers…

Washington Republican Proposes Charging Protestors with ‘Economic Terrorism’
The Hill | 17 November 2016
Wealthy donors should not feel safe…