Pushback of the Week: June 24, 2024: Health Freedom Defense Fund

“Health Freedom Defense Fund stands for freedom, choice, and the most basic of human rights, bodily autonomy.”

For Pushback of the Week, we celebrate Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF), founded by Leslie Manookian, for its outstanding work and significant legal victories.

HFDF’s primary goal is to defend bodily autonomy, the most fundamental and sacred of human rights. HFDF describes its mission as one of educating individuals “about the primacy of…individual and ethical principles such as informed consent, as a means of advancing society to a place where every individual is free to pursue education, employment, worship, or participate in society free of coercion, threat, or pressure for his or her personal health care choices.”

In addition to providing education on health freedom and individual rights, HFDF lets followers know about actions they can take, and also spearheads legal challenges to unethical mandates, laws, and policies. HFDF lawsuits have challenged mask mandates, mandates of experimental drug injections, and violations of religious and conscientious beliefs, and have defended human rights.

Kendall Nelson, co-producer with Manookian and director of the 2011 documentary, The Greater Good, states:

“No other organization is doing more important work than the Health Freedom Defense Fund. Leslie’s pivotal role in ending the travel mask mandate exemplifies her as an unstoppable force for the rights of all. If you watch closely, you may just see that she is the reason vaccine mandates come to an abrupt halt. Supporting HFDF means championing the basic freedoms we hold dear and ensuring that individual rights are protected and upheld.”

In the course of their outstanding legal work, HFDF recently settled an important case with Disney and celebrated a major triumph by overturning the dismissal of their lawsuit against the Los Angeles Unified School District’s (LAUSD’s) compulsory vaccination policy for all staff. The case will go back to the lower court for fact-finding in accordance with the district court’s ruling. The significance of the LAUSD case win is that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed that a troubling 100-year-old U.S. Supreme Court ruling (Jacobson v. Massachusetts) that HFDF called into question in their case against LAUSD does not apply.

Solari congratulates HFDF on the recent victories and encourages you to follow and support their important work.


Health Freedom Defense Fund

Disney Settles

Huge Legal Victory – HFDF Wins Appeal in Ninth Circuit

VICTORY: Ninth Court Shoots down Jacobson vs. Massachusetts

Employees Can Sue L.A. Schools Over COVID Vaccine Mandate Because Shots Don’t Prevent Transmission, Appeals Court Rules

Victory in 9th Circuit Against COVID Vaccine Mandates

Court Revives COVID Shot Mandate Lawsuit Against LA School District

HUGE!!! WE WON our appeal against LAUSD!

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