Available for Purchase: 3rd Quarter 2022 Wrap Up: Building Wealth (Subscribers)

Solari Report subscribers can now purchase the 3rd Quarter 2022 Wrap Up: Building Wealth at the Solari Bookstore.


Lord, lead us from the unreal to the real.
~ Ancient Sanskrit prayer

By Catherine Austin Fitts

Building Wealth is a curriculum. It teaches the basic literacy we need to be personally and financially successful and to do so in a manner in which together we evolve a culture that supports the emergence of an advanced human civilization.

Money is a creature of law—and the growth of economies depends on cooperation and the rule of law. This means that one of most important questions in a financial system is, “Who enforces?” That question brings us back to culture. The more a group of people conduct their daily lives in a productive manner and self-enforce, the less need there is to create bureaucracies with the power and authority to enforce. External enforcement is often where the corruption that drains and destroys productivity and wealth starts—and then grows.

There are six sections to the Building Wealth curriculum:

  • A Free and Inspired Life
  • Navigation Tools
  • Risk Management
  • Living Equity
  • Financial Equity
  • Turtle Forth

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