Avatar Update: Personal Opinion of Sofia Smallstorm

Please note that this is a personal newsletter written by Sofia Smallstorm. It is not “the news,” but rather a reflective way of sharing information.

Sofia covers a range of subjects. You will find more than “the basics” here. As explained in the header, this is her effort to bring you bits and pieces that have clarified her own understanding of things.

The Stuff of Your Bones

I’m going to start with a quote I really like but haven’t known what to do with. At least putting it in a newsletter makes good use of it and–who knows–I might be able to tie it into the rest of the content as things unfold. The quote comes from a book written by an astrobiologist, Lewis Dartnell, titled Origins: How the Earth Shaped Human History (2019), and it goes like this:

The water in your body once flowed down the Nile, fell as monsoon rain onto India, and swirled around the Pacific. The carbon in the organic molecules of your cells was mined from the atmosphere by the plants that we eat. The salt in your sweat and tears, the calcium of your bones, and the iron in your blood all eroded out of the rocks of Earth’s crust; and the sulphur of the protein molecules in your hair and muscles was spewed out by volcanoes.

Other Topics:
The Stuff of Your Bones
Shot Through Space and Time
House of Repentance
Rented Humans
Winn Correctional
Our Judge Is Our Partner

Continue reading. . . . .

Back Issue: October 2019

Kookaburra’s Gum Tree

Other Topics:
Kookaburra’s Gum Tree
Green Savings Account
Chain Reaction
Between the Fires and the Sky
The Path of Catastrophe
Wind and Wilderness


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