Avatar Update: Personal Opinion of Sofia Smallstorm

Please note that this is a personal newsletter written by Sofia Smallstorm. It is not “the news,” but rather a reflective way of sharing information.

Sofia covers a range of subjects. You will find more than “the basics” here. As explained in the header, this is her effort to bring you bits and pieces that have clarified her own understanding of things.

The Katha Upanishad

W. Somerset Maugham, born in 1874, was a doctor (who knew?) who never practiced medicine, instead choosing to write plays, short stories and novels. His works are considered masterful, among them Of Human Bondage (1915), The Moon and Sixpence (1919) and The Razor’s Edge (1944). Maugham was seventy when this novel was published, its title taken from the Katha Upanishad, one of the sacred Hindu Vedas or scriptures. Maugham had visited British India in 1938. “As soon as the maharajahs realized that I didn’t want to go on tiger hunts, but that I was interested in seeing poets and philosophers, they were very helpful,” he said. Continue reading July/August, 2022.

Other Topics:
Redox and Life Force
Biophysics as Boss
Here Comes the Sun
Mighty Ultraviolet

Back Issue: June 2015

Unintelligent Organisms

Other Topics:
Unintelligent Organisms
This Little Matter of Chemicals
Containing Our Waste
Nature’s Clean-up
Pollution, Dilution, Solution
Fertilizing the Language


June 2022

November 2015

March & April, 2022 Update

February 2022 Update

December/January 2022 Update

November 2021 Update

September/October 2021 Update

August 2021 Update

December/January 2021 Update

July 2021 Update

May/June 2021 Update

April 2021 Update

February/March 2021 Update

September/October 2020 Update

July/August 2020 Update

March 2019 Update

February 2019 Update

September 2018 Update

October 2016 Update

August 2013 Update

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