Music of the Week: November 18, 2022: Buy Dirt by Jordan Davis

This week’s music selection by Jordan Davis is a touching reminder about the real things in life, the sources of building family wealth, and what truly can give us happiness. It is a song about family, friends, the sacredness of the land, and about faith.

Mr. Global is sucking everyone into crypto and money schemes while he takes over the land and real estate and destroys property rights. People, land, and real estate and the things that come from it–food, water, gold–are the sources of real wealth. All the games with central banking money and crypto are to create control systems that are now being used to assert control of or steal these resources. Land is a source of real wealth; running for a paycheck working to help Mr. Global build a control grid is not. We are trying to make these real assets real to people. Mr. Global is trying to make them seem old and unfashionable while making fiat money and crypto seem like shiny modern toys.

“Buy Dirt” is real country music tradition translating experience, wisdom, and love into a great song.

‘Cause the truth about it is
It all goes by real quick
You can’t buy happiness
But you can buy dirt…


Jordan Davis on UDiscoverMusic

Interview with Jordan Davis on the success of Buy Dirt

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