Reflections on Our Future – December, 2021

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“Looking ahead, we have a challenging new year before us. The war for central control is entering a new round of intense battles—over vaccine mandates and passports and, ultimately, over control of our travel, labor, use of resources and assets, social credit systems, and even bank bail-ins and asset stripping.” ~ Catherine Austin Fitts

By Catherine Austin Fitts

As we enter the winter and approach the shortest days of the year, it is a good time to take stock of where we have been and where we are going.

When I created Solari, my goal was to build an intelligence network of people who wanted to live a free and inspired life and help others do the same. The first challenge in building such a network was to have it become economically self-supporting. If we want to decentralize power and money, we must be free of financial conflicts of interest. As I have always said, the revolution must be self-supporting because if it can finance itself, it can happen.

Thanks to your support, Solari achieved this goal in 2021, moving onto an economic basis. The growth in subscriptions that started after we published The State of Our Currencies and “The Injection Fraud” in 2020 has financed the best possible intelligence on what is happening, and helped us go to work on what these events mean to us and what we can do about them. We intend to continue to invest the resources you provide in this intelligence network, doing so in close collaboration with many other members of the New Media—a powerful force that is providing inspiration and leadership, and whose emergence represents one of the most inspiring developments of the past two years.

Throughout December, we are publishing The Best of the Solari Report. These selections are intended to give you a broad overview of our efforts throughout the year to ensure you have solid “maps” of what is happening and tools to help you navigate what is happening. I want to give a special nod to the Solari team members, allies, and subscribers who helped us create and distribute four Covid-19 Injection Forms (downloadable on our website), which did a phenomenal job of organizing the complex information that millions of people needed to practice due diligence, protect themselves and their families, and push back against overreach by employers and schools mandating the Covid-19 injections without basic disclosure or informed consent.

Looking ahead, we have a challenging new year before us. The war for central control is entering a new round of intense battles—over vaccine mandates and passports and, ultimately, over control of our travel, labor, use of resources and assets, social credit systems, and even bank bail-ins and asset stripping.

What should we do?

First, we need to reach out to everyone who has been harmed financially or physically by the Covid lies—whether from the withholding of effective therapies, fraudulent testing, experimental injections, or disaster capitalism and economic warfare—and help them if we can. Those who have been harmed by these lies are potentially powerful allies for the many battles ahead. Let’s raise an army by extending a hand when and where we can to those who are looking for a productive way forward.

Second, we need to stop the “vaccine passports” and injection mandates. One way to do that is to “just say no.” Each one of us can say NO—and then work it out from there. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. says, “Resist, resist, resist,” and CJ Hopkins says, “Add friction in every possible way you can.” Remember, whatever may happen when you refuse to comply with tyranny now is nowhere near as bad as what will happen if a global passport system is put in place and the social credit system already operating covertly becomes overt—and that can happen overnight if we do nothing to stop those control systems from taking hold. Resist now. Say “no” now.

Third, we need to continue to build personal resiliency and—as we connect with like-minded people—nurture our communities and a human culture.

Someone remarked the other day that I had sacrificed a great deal to leave Washington and Wall Street behind and build the Solari Report. I explained that getting booted out of the establishment was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I now work for people I like and admire—I call you “the people who hold up the world.” You are taking care of your kids, your parents, and your grandparents. You are helping your neighbors and colleagues. You are carrying businesses, healing patients, keeping the water and sewer systems operating, building the soil, loving the land, and protecting the bees. And on and on.

A Bible class teacher once asked me to explain the Solari investment model. After I finished, she said, “You are making it too complicated. It’s in Leviticus. We have to take care of the land, we have to take care of ourselves, and we have to take care of each other.” That’s it. That is what we are doing. And it’s working.

Every day I get up and work with people who are committed to human liberty and who reject tyranny at every opportunity. It’s a great life, and I am deeply grateful for the prayers and resources you provide to make it possible. We invite you to continue that support and put forward your advice on how we may best build this intelligence network, together, into an enduring presence.

Here is to the road ahead and the opportunity to be found with the magic that comes in dangerous times.

Ladies and Gentlemen, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!