Doctors for Covid Ethics Gold Standard Symposium II: Sounding the Call – December 10, 2021

Friday December 10, 2021 – 18:00-21:00 GMT – Don’t miss it! Tell your friends – LIVE STREAM

Second Interdisciplinary Symposium, Gold Standard Covid Science in Practice
Excellent speakers. Essential information. Medicine, science, finance, propaganda, law.

[geot_filter exclude_region=”europe”] Doctors for Covid Ethics Gold Standard Symposium (European Mirror)

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  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
  • Dr. Michael Yeadon
  • Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi
  • Dr. Michael Palmer
  • Dr. Meryl Nass
  • Brian Gerrish, UK Column
  • Piers Robinson PhD
  • Patrick Henningsen


  • Session I: The end of gene-based COVID-19 “vaccines”
  • Session II: The Global Coup D’état
  • Session III: Is the Temple of Justitia still standing?

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