Report from Roberts County, Texas

Email from a Subscriber:

96.2% Trump 529 votes
3.1% Biden 17 votes

Randall County 78% Trump
Potter County north part of Amarillo 66% Trump

I watched a little of Fox coverage last night. Rove was talking about how much Silicon Valley money had poured into the Texas elections to try and flip the state house to blue for redrawing voting districts for national seats. Texas is going to gain several seats after the census.

Also the senate seat with John Cornyn. It was an obscene amount of money they put into an extreme liberal. They did not get anywhere except closing the gap some.

It is amazing the Republicans held on as good as they did considering how much they were outspent nation wide.

Pennsylvania looks like they had a big cheat plan in place and they had an oh shit moment and paused everything to work on plan B

As one neighbor would say “They have a license to steal but can not make a living”.