Pushing the Red Button: By a Solari Report Subscriber

Pushing the Red Button: After years of laughter and ridicule, some are returning to ask, how did you know? How did we know I ask? OMG I am not a quiet or shy guy. I talk with everyone. As we learned and applied what we learned, we shared. The only response was laughter, ridicule, and all the rest. Not one person was paying attention. It is true, we felt very isolated from old friends and family for more than a decade. Now we are like some sort of visionary… weird. We found the more stuff we learned, the less stuff we needed.

Health was our first priority: We always did well on health and food issues. But began to do even better with food and food prep. The outcome after all these years has been good health. We never go to doctors. I have not been to a doctor for more than 25 years for any sort of sickness. My kids never get sick.

My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer five years ago and refused their chemo, radiation, and hormone blocker. She is doing great. We have become our own doctors. Cancer revelations: got rid of the microwave, wired the house for internet and turned off wifi, filter our water, eat much less and much cleaner food.

Cable/Network TV gone: This was a challenge with family, but eventually, we overcame. There is something about network/cable tv and all their commercials that draws one in the TV abyss. Once we broke the addiction, we watch very little TV at all. If we do watch, it is Netflix, Youtube, Amazon… We are too busy learning, all of us spend time learning and sharing now. A very cool thing when your 17-year-old shows up with something he learned from Jon Rappoport.

Commercial Credit gone: After our fight began with BofA in 2009. We dumped all credit and have never looked back. We bought a 3 acres parcel, privately financed. To make the transition from the old house (with BofA loan) to a newly built house, we took a small private mortgage that is almost paid off. This house took 4.5 years to build with cash. It took finding a special builder who would work like this. Downsized and real happy with more land on a dirt road with goats, chickens, and dogs.

Homeschool: We didn’t catch on early enough for our oldest. We pulled our youngest from Government Schools 6 years ago. I withdrew my son in a fit of rage after transgender bathroom, common core, and very strange disturbing surveys being given to the children on sex, drugs, guns, and politics…

I pulled him out in anger, and then panicked. What was I going to do? I wasn’t a teacher!!! Long to short, I figured it out. My kid is and has gotten a great education. He is a seeker, and loves to learn. He takes Rappoport’s classes on Critical Thinking, Ellis Medavoy, and all the rest. He reads history books written by the Charles Beard, he watches the X-Series at DarkJournalist, he listened to Solari Reports, and currently taking in Ulrike’s Science. He cares for all the goats and chickens. He teaches us. We are fortunate to have the President of the Virginia and Pennsylvania Homeschool Associations living just a few minutes away.

The planscamdemic has brought my family even closer in a twisted sort of way. Everyone in my house has turned up his or her learning metabolism. I am no longer the only one digging and sharing, and changing. It is the whole family digging and sharing links and new learning. I hear my kid teaching his friends about what he is learning from the book Virus Mania, and then the Invisible Rainbow.

Successfully pushing the Red Button has been the most difficult and rewarding thing I/we have ever done. We are over the hump and now always looking for ways to push the Red Button harder. Each step is a challenge. Our current challenge is ditching the smartphones. I did it just a few chapters into The Invisible Rainbow., my wife a week or so later. My youngest is doing great at turning it off after downloading content. He showed me ways to download videos etc so they can be watched offline. The only kid not doing so great is the kid who got the full 12-years of public school, my oldest. But he will come along eventually.

It is the information that has changed us. It is simply a matter of taking it all in. Letting it rattle around in your head for a while to a hopefully rational conclusion. I know lots of smart people doing the dumbest of things with credit, school, food, health and all the rest. They are not stupid. They just won’t let the information in that can save them from themselves. It is an amazing thing how they weaponized us to do harm to ourselves with stuff we don’t need.

Side Note: After reading Virus Mania, my wife and I would sit in the living room and look at each other and ask….are we understanding what we are reading? Then I read the book again. Then we watch Dr. Kaufman and Dr. Cowan for clarity, and a few others who have been on this case. It took weeks for the information to settle to a point where we could have a conversation amongst ourselves. It is just so far out from reality, it takes time to process, massage, and then evangelize (to much criticism). It just takes time for some of this stuff to sink into reality.

I don’t think we would have been successful in pressing the Red Button without a high learning metabolism. I look back at us a decade ago. Our heads were empty, but we were busy working and paying for lots of stuff we didn’t need. As we learned, the stuff became trivial. It went hand and hand. More learning, the less stuff we needed. It became synergistic. You wouldn’t have one without the other. The more stuff we learn, the less stuff we need. The less stuff we needed, the easies the Red Button was to push. We are busy learning and reinventing ourselves everyday. It is a real cool feeling to have the whole family finally on board 100% (thanks planscamdemic)

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