The Emerging Multipolar World with the Saker – US-Russian Relations & the War Lobby

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The Solari Report 2018-11-08

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Read the transcript of The Emerging Multipolar World with the Saker – US-Russian Relations & the War Lobby (PDF)

~ Money & Markets is posted at the Money & Markets commentary ~

Information flow is not a neutral phenomenon. It is related to the movement of power through a society.” ~ Julian Assange

By Catherine Austin Fitts

I return to the United States tomorrow. After six weeks in the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Switzerland, I am so looking forward to my discussion of the latest geopolitical developments with the Saker. Topics on our list for our 4th Quarter interview are:

  • Russian Pension Fund Reform – Impact on Putin’s Approval Rating
  • The Empire Splits the Orthodox Church
  • President Trump’s Threat to Withdraw from the INF
  • The Russian Economy: The Impact of Sanctions and Trade Wars
  • Middle East: Syria & Genocide in Gaza
  • US Elections – What Comes Next?

Make sure to post your questions for the Saker here before Tuesday morning. Check out his latest on “Senior Russian Diplomat Confirms Russia is Preparing for War” and “The Empire Splits the Orthodox World.”

In Let’s Go to the Movies! I will revisit one of my favorites As It Is In Heaven. This Swedish film offers delightful insights about music and inspiration in changing times. Too many subscribers tell me they have not seen it, so I bring it up again!

E-mail or post your questions for Ask Catherine at the Money & Markets commentary here.

Talk to you Thursday!