Geopolitics – 4th Quarter 2018

Rense Program 11/28/18 No1: Jeff and Catherine Austin Fitts – Massive Missing Money And The Great Game

Jeff Rense | 28 November 2018

Mystery as NATO Auditor General is found shot dead in suspicious circumstances
The Express UK | 27 December 2018

1987: Senator Inouye Exposes The Shadow Government
Billy Carson 4biddenknowledge | 25 October 2017

Angela Merkel: Nation States Must “Give Up Sovereignty” To New World Order
Zero Hedge | 28 December 2018

The Mass Exodus of Foreigners from China

DVChina | 31 December 2018

Giuliani Says Assange Should Not Be Prosecuted
Consortium News | 31 December 2018

Full video: Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers 2019 New Year speech (English subtitle)

CGTN | 31 December 2018

Putin’s New Year Address 2019 (English Translation)

RT | 31 December 2018

2017: Erik Prince’s Plan to Privatize the War in Afghanistan

The Atlantic | 18 August 2017

2018 Greatest Hits: The Most Popular Articles Of The Past Year And A Look Ahead
Zero Hedge | 31 December 2018

Sequencing the Resistance Process Through Likely Legislative Action – Tools: Cohen, Mueller, Horowitz…
The Conservative Tree House | 30 December 2018

New laws are putting California further at odds with Trump
AP News | 29 December 2018

Why Flynn? – A Confluence of Highly Charged Political Events…
The Conservative Tree House | 29 December 2018

Solutions?…It’s a very valid question (FBI)
The Conservative Tree House | 29 December 2018

Chief Justice Roberts is responsible for all 11 FISA court Judges, who allowed illegal spy ring on Trump
State of the Nation | 28 December 2018

Melanie Phillips
Who are the real isolationists in America?

JNS | 27 December 2018

Cuomo defends stripping comptroller of oversight power
NY Post | 27 December 2018
Judge rules state watchdog has 30 days to decide on potential Cuomo probe
NY Post | 20 December 2018
NYS Senate investigation committee chairman vows aggressive oversight of state government
Daily News | 13 December 2018

Syrie : «Donald Trump replace les enjeux au niveau géographique»
(Vanessa Baird on Trump’s Withdrawal from Syria)

RT France | 27 December 2018

NJ: Over One Million Gun Owners Refuse to Obey Ban, No One Turning in Magazines
Op Deep State | 26 December 2018

‘We are coming’: Chilling Blackwater ad triggers fears of Trump seeking to privatize Mideast wars

RT| 26 December 2018

Are the Investigations the Cover-Up?
American Thinker | 26 December 2018

US troop withdrawal heralds the New Syria
Asia Times | 26 December 2018

China’s advances in Arctic may pose security threat to Canada
Asia Times | 26 December 2018

Taibbi: We Know How Trump’s War Game Ends
Zero Hedge| 25 December 2018

FT Subscription: What 2018 told us about Brexit
FT | 25 December 2018

MAD DOG OUT – BLACKWATER IN – We Are Coming – Belt and Road gets Unaccountable Mercenaries
RTR Truth Media | 24 December 2018

It’s become a law in 26 American states that a government employee must sign loyalty oath to #Israel or lose your job
Twitter | 24 December 2018

China Cuts Tariffs on More Than 700 Goods Amid Open-Trade Drive
Bloomberg | 24 December 2018

Lawmaker to clarify Texas’ anti-Israel-boycott law
KXAN | 18 December 2018

Israel to hold early election in April, Netanyahu says
Reuters | 24 December 2018

Trump losing support of America’s millionaires — even Republicans — poll finds
Market Watch | 23 December 2018

Khashoggi: Qatari Asset in Life; Qatari Asset in Death
Security Studies Group | 23 December 2018

LinkedIn Cofounder Funded Democrats’ ‘Russia-Inspired’ Smear Campaign Against Judge Roy Moore in Alabama — And Facebook Allowed It
The Gateway Pundit | 23 December 2018

Rumors Swirl As Mystery Firm Takes Fight With Mueller To Supreme Court
Zero Hedge | 23 December 2018

Trump Kicks Mattis Out Early, Names Shanahan Acting Defense Secretary
Defense One | 23 December 2018

Venezuela navy intercepts Exxon oil ship in Guyanese waters: Guyana
Reuters | 23 December 2018

Russian fighter jets land in Crimea amid Ukraine tensions
Reuters | 22 December 2018

REPORT: Huber and Horowitz Investigations Deep State Cons Constructed by DOJ…
The Conservative Tree House | 22 December 2018

Cuban lawmakers approve new constitution which heads to referendum
Reuters | 22 December 2018

UN issues major statement demanding UK govt allow Assange to leave embassy & not face extradition to US
Twitter | 21 December 2018
Thank you for standing up for justice & human rights for my son, persecuted journalist Julian Assange
Twitter | 21 December 2018

The Trump Doctrine: Economic Security is National Security…
The Conservative Tree House | 21 December 2018

KKR launches $493 million offer for Spain’s Telepizza
Reuters | 21 December 2018

Trump warns government shutdown could be lengthy
Reuters | 21 December 2018

Friday Morning: Trump pressures Democrats, warns government may close ‘for very long time’
Reuters | 21 December 2018

Trump planning to pull 7,000 troops from Afghanistan, reducing force by half
ABC News | 21 December 2018

In Mattis resignation, a singular challenge to Trump’s agenda
Reuters | 21 December 2018

President Vladimir Putin’s annual news conference December 20, 2018
The Saker | 20 December 2018

Why Trump Decided To Remove U.S. Troops From Syria
Moon of Alabama | 20 December 2018

Continued American Occupation of the Middle East Does Not Suppress Terrorism, It Causes It
Craig Murray | 20 December 2018

Tomgram: Karen Greenberg, On Board the USS Detention
Tom Dispatch | 20 December 2018

U.S. appeals court grants Trump request for halt to emoluments case
Reuters | 20 December 2018

Breaking: President Trump Announces James Mattis Retiring…
The Conservative Tree House | 19 December 2018

Trump shutdown moves leave GOP senators in disbelief
The Hill | 20 December 2018

Secret Experiment in Alabama Senate Race Imitated Russian Tactics
New York Times | 19 December 2018

Flashback 2016: Secretary of State John Kerry Admits President Obama Intentionally Armed ISIS in Syria…
The Conservative Tree House | 19 December 2018

McConnell to Offer Stopgap Bill to Avert Shutdown as Trump Fumes
Bloomberg | 19 December 2018

Deceptive online tactics used in Alabama race…
CBS News | 19 December 2018

Los Angeles bishop resigns over sex abuse as crisis spreads
Reuters | 19 December 2018

In Drastic Reversal, Trump Orders Full Withdrawal From Syria After “Victory Over ISIS”
Zero Hedge | 19 December 2018

Trump says he’s eager to sign sweeping criminal justice bill
AP | 19 December 2018

U.S. pledges billions in aid to develop Central America, curb migration
Reuters | 18 December 2018

Civilians Are Cheaper Than Contractors for Most Defense Jobs, Internal Report Finds
Government Executive | 18 December 2018

Second woman claims billionaire Jeffrey Epstein ‘directed’ her to have sex with lawyer Alan Dershowitz WHILE he was defending pedophile on underage prostitution charges
Daily Mail | 18 December 2018

Chinese companies and individuals: More major tax cuts are on the horizon
China Daily | 18 December 2018

Judge excoriates Trump ex-adviser Flynn, delays Russia probe sentencing
Reuters | 18 December 2018

Trump bans ‘bump stocks’ used in mass Las Vegas shooting
Reuters | 18 December 2018

Fox News’ Napolitano Says Trump is an ‘Unindicted Co-Conspirator’: ‘Ample Evidence’ to Indict POTUS
Fox News | 17 December 2018

May Pushes Back Against Parliament Vote on Brexit Options
Bloomberg | 17 December 2018

Ron Paul: Why The Senate Vote To End Yemen War Is So Important
Zero Hedge | 17 December 2018

Flynn’s former business partner charged with secret lobbying for Turkey
Reuters | 17 December 2018

In a first, transgender woman competes in Miss Universe competition
NBC | 17 December 2018

Overpaid public-sector employees
Blunt Force Truth | 17 December 2018

Pakistan, China, Afghanistan trilateral talks underway in Kabul
The News PK | 15 December 2018

May Said to Warn Merkel, Macron Their Brexit Deal Is Almost Dead
Bloomberg | 15 December 2018

U.S. Navy may stop docking in Haifa after Chinese take over port
The Jerusalem Post | 15 December 2018

“Absolute Mayhem” In DC Court As Mueller May Have Made A Move
Zero Hedge | 15 December 2018

‘End of era’: Street traders can no longer keep licence in family
Independent | 15 December 2018

Moscow To Set Up Military Base In Caribbean
Tsarizm | 14 December 2018

How Britain Stole $45 Trillion From India And Lied About It
Information Clearing House | 14 December 2018

Latest Solari Donation
Donate: The Conservative Tree House
Conservative Tree House | December 2018

Why Wouldn’t The Obama Intelligence Apparatus Wiretap The White House?…
The Conservative Tree House | 14 December 2018

FBI Official: FBI Agents Threatened Physical Harm to President Trump In Missing FBI Texts & Other “Frightening” Communications
True Pundit | 23 January 2018

Joe diGenova Discusses Flynn Case…
The Conservative Tree House | 14 December 2018

Watch: Trump Knew Payments Were Wrong, Cohen Says
Watch: Trump Knew Payments Were Wrong, Cohen Says Part 1

Watch: Trump Knew Payments Were Wrong, Cohen Says Part 2

Information Clearing House | 14 December 2018

Kimberley Strassel: Checking Robert Mueller
Fox News | 14 December 2018

John Solomon Drops a Tick-Tock Bombshell – DIA Holds Documents That Can Exonerate Flynn…
The Conservative Tree House | 14 December 2018

James Hoft | 13 December 2018

Clinton Foundation Congressional Hearing
moe anon | 13 December 2018

The Camp of the Saints
Paul Craig Roberts | 14 December 2018

Power vacuum points to no-deal Brexit
OMFIF | 14 December 2018

Texas Judge Rules Obamacare Unconstitutional, Primary Issue Surrounds Individual Mandate, (ruling pdf included)…
The Conservative Tree House | 14 December 2018

Federal judge rules Obamacare unconstitutional
Reuters | 14 December 2018

Trump picks Mulvaney as chief of staff – for now
Reuters | 14 December 2018

The DOD is defending its JEDI procurement — and AWS has joined that defense
Biz Journals | 13 December 2018

Secretary Mnuchin pushes forward an initiative on debt transparency
Devdiscourse | 13 December 2018

Averting World Conflict with China
UNZ | 13 December 2018

French Generals Accuse Macron of “Treason” Over UN Migration Pact
Info Wars | 13 December 2018

In rebuke to Trump, Senate votes to halt US support for Saudi-led war in Yemen, names crown prince as responsible for Khashoggi death
USA Today | 13 December 2018

President Donald J. Trump Is Lifting Up American Communities that Have Been Left Behind
The White House | 12 December 2018

Minute 7: Chuck Schumer: Donald Trump Captured By Hard Right | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

MSNBC | 04 January 2017

2017: Schumer warns Trump: Intel officials ‘have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you’
Washington Examiner | 03 January 2017

Total Setup? FBI Told Michael Flynn To Ditch Lawyer During Interview With Strzok
Zero Hedge | 12 December 2018

Subscription: The Flynn Entrapment
WSJ | 12 December 2018

Theresa May clings on as Prime Minister after winning vote of no confidence
Yahoo | 12 December 2018

Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin attend $100M, weeklong wedding
NY Post | 12 December 2018

Pope cuts 2 cardinals from cabinet named in abuse scandal
Yahoo | 12 December 2018

Trump backs $750 billion defense budget request to Congress: official
Reuters | 12 December 2018

The Senate passed the 21st Century IDEA Act, giving agencies one year to improve citizens’ digital experiences
Next Gov | 12 December 2018

Oracle is suing the US government over $10B Pentagon JEDI cloud contract process
Tech Crunch | 11 December 2018

U.S. Presses Ahead on Plan to Limit High-Tech Exports
Bloomberg | 11 December 2018

Panda Plays: China Lowers Auto Trade Tariffs – The Dance Continues….
The Conservative Tree House | 11 December 2018

Pentagon to Take Over All Security Clearances in Nine Months, Officials Say
Next Gov | 12 December 2018

James and the Giant Impeachment
American Greatness | 11 December 2018

Michael Cohen gets 3 years, says Trump’s ‘dirty deeds’ led him to ‘choose darkness’
NBC News | 11 December 2018

Trump, Pelosi and Schumer Have Explosive, Televised Shouting Match Over Border Wall: ‘I Won’t Take It!’
Mediaite | 11 December 2018

Watch Trump’s heated meeting over border security with Democratic leaders

CNBC Television | 11 December 2018

MP causes uproar in parliament by grabbing mace in Brexit protest
The Guardian | 10 December 2018

Israelis arrested in Colombia on suspicion of sex trafficking
Ynetnews | 10 December 2018

Panel of Defense Lobbyists and Revolving Door Doyens Calls for More Defense Spending
POGO | 10 December 2018

Macron’s multi-billion giveaways could cost France dearly
CNBC | 11 December 2018

EXCLUSIVE: DOJ Wants To Keep Justification For Raiding Reported Clinton Foundation Whistleblower Secret
Daily Caller | 10 December 2018

Congress Is Trying to Use the Spending Bill to Criminalize Boycotts of Israel and Other Countries
ACLU | 10 December 2018

Nearly 160 Million People Want To Move To The U.S.
Statista | 11 December 2018

More Than 750 Million Worldwide Would Migrate If They Could
Gallup | 10 December 2018

2013: Solid State – Active Denial Technology

Dvidshub | 08 November 2013

Brady releases revised version of year-end tax package
The Hill | 10 December 2018

Rand Paul Warns Attorney General Nominee’s Views Are ‘Very, Very Troubling’
Info Wars | 10 December 2018

NBC News | 09 December 2018

Dr. Nick Begich: The NWO Project Is Doomed To Fail
Info Wars | 10 December 2018

Where India quietly watches China at sea
Asia Times | 10 December 2018

Free Gas Over Yemen’s Skies: Saudi Jets Refueled By American Taxpayers Due To “Accounting Errors”
Blacklisted News | 10 December 2018

Watch again: British PM Theresa May delays parliament vote on Brexit

Euro News | 10 December 2018

France: Understanding the Gilets Jaunes Uprising: why these are the most important protests
Quodverum | 10 December 2018

What You’re Not Being TOLD About The Yellow Vest’s in Paris

We Are Change | 09 December 2018

Andrew C. McCarthy: Why Trump is likely to be indicted by Manhattan US Attorney
Fox News | 08 December 2018
Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign was guilty of violations involving nearly…

Trump Nominates Army Chief To Lead Joint Chiefs Of Staff
Zero Hedge | 08 December 2018

President Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly to Leave End of Year…
The Conservative Tree House | 08 December 2018

The Next Big Legal Case To Assassinate Unions Is On The Way
Popular Resistance | 08 December 2018

New congressional members at Harvard
Harvard | 07 December 2018

Ammon Bundy leaves militia movement after ripping Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric
The Hill | 07 December 2018

Boston Globe | 07 December 2018

Tucker Carlson says Trump is ‘not capable’ and hasn’t kept his promises
MSN | 07 December 2018

Tillerson blasts Trump as ‘undisciplined’

Fox News | 07 December 2018

Who Lost the World Bush 41 Left Behind?
Buchanan | 07 December 2018

Federal Judge Opens Discovery Into Clinton Email Usage
Judicial Watch | 06 December 2018

New government shutdown deadline is set for Dec. 21.
Next Gov | 06 December 2018

“I Know Where All The Bodies Are Buried”: Clinton Foundation CFO Spills Beans To Investigators
Zero Hedge | 06 December 2018

Latest Solari Donation
Help WikiLeaks Fight the DNC: The DNC does not allege WikiLeaks participated in hacking of any kind
Go Fund Me | 06 December 2018

Photos: Our friends in the Czech Republic are more on top of the geoengineered California firestorms than most Americans
State of the Nation | 06 December 2018

WATCH: Bill Clinton falls asleep, mouth agape; Hillary rocks back and forth, stares at ceiling during Bush funeral
True Pundit | 06 December 2018

Beleaguered Emmanuel Macron predicts ‘major violence’ across France this weekend as approval rating crashes to record low of 18 per cent
The Sun | 06 September 2018

Julian Assange rejects alleged UK-Ecuador deal
Twitter | 06 December 2018

Feds received whistleblower evidence in 2017 alleging Clinton Foundation wrongdoing
The Hill | 06 December 2018

Incoming Dem lawmaker fires back at Trump’s former economic adviser: ‘No Gary, YOU don’t know what’s coming’
New Statesman | 06 December 2018

Gary Cohn to congress freshman class: “You guys are way over your head”
New Statesman | 06 December 2018

Ecuador says UK has offered guarantees for Assange to leave London embassy
Chicago Tribune | 06 December 2018

Greek government plans crowdfunding for new warships
AP | 06 December 2018

Exclusive: U.S. probe of China’s Huawei includes bank fraud accusations: sources
Reuters | 06 December 2018

China Outraged At Arrest Of Huawei CFO, Warns It Will “Take All Measures”
Zero Hedge | 05 December 2018

U.S. Prepares To Sail Warship Into Black Sea, Citing Kerch Strait Incident
Zero Hedge | 05 December 2018

Judge Napolitano: I Expect Donald Trump Jr. to Be Indicted
Mediaite | 05 December 2018

Ukraine and (Former Soviet) Georgia to Join NATO; — SENDING NATO NAVAL FORCES TO AZOV SEA ! ! RUSSIA SAYS “NO ENTRY”
Hal Turner Radio Show | 05 December 2018

Theresa May’s Brexit deal in peril as ministers found in contempt of Parliament for first time
Telegraph | 05 December 2018

China Outraged at Arrest of Huawei CFO in Canada After U.S. Request
Bloomberg | 05 December 2018

Navy vice admiral from Chicago found dead at his Bahrain home
Chicago Tribune | 04 November 2018

This Anti-Gun Bill Would Require the Social Media History and Internet Search History of Prospective Buyers
The Organic Prepper | 04 December 2018

Putin initiates trilateral summit with India and China
Strategic Culture | 04 December 2018

Post offices to be closed Wednesday for day of mourning for George H.W. Bush
Augusta Chronicle | 04 December 2018

And Then There Was None – Bill Priestap Resigns…
The Conservative Tree House | 04 December 2018

Macron Blinks – French Prime Minister to Announce Suspension of “Fuel Tax”…
The Conservative Tree House | 04 December 2018

French President Macron May Be Forced to Cut His New Global Warming Tax that Is Inciting Riots
Need to Know News | 04 December 2018
Fighting climate change turns into fighting civilians – Tucker Carlson 12/3/18

CplUSMC Retired | 04 December 2018

As Shutdown Looms, House Votes to Empower Federal CIO, Improve Agency Services
Next Gov | 03 December 2018

Stephen Cohen on Cancelled Trump-Putin Meeting at G20 Summit

Edriss | 03 December 2018

Palestinian Workers call upon Israel against PA’s Social Security Law
MSN | 03 December 2018

Amazon Boosts Satellite Initiatives With Lockheed Martin Deal
The new US government: Lockheed runs military and IT – amazon handles retail – JP morgan leads the depository and Buffet is Mr. Global’s investment rep
Zacks | 29 November 2018

Rand Paul blasts ‘deep state’ for shutting him out of CIA briefing
Politico | 04 December 2018
LIVE ON-AIR NEWS | 04 December 2018

The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA, will replace the current NAFTA agreement that governs trade in North America
USMCA | November 2018

Exclusive: Emails of top NRCC officials stolen in major 2018 hack
Politico | 04 December 2018

Wall Street Rule for the #MeToo Era: Avoid Women at All Cost
Bloomberg | 03 December 2018

Revelations in the Government Computer Intrusion
Sharyl Attkisson | 02 December 2018

Tijuana Mayor Calls for Arrest of Caravan Organizers – “It’s a Federal Crime” (VIDEO)
The Gateway Pundit | 04 December 2018

Corsi in the Crosshairs – Bill Binney Blows the Whistle on Robert Mueller and DOJ Corruption
Jason Goodman | 01 December 2018
2005: Former Qwest CEO Indicted
CBS News | 20 December 2005
Documenting the Bill Binney discussion above.

G-20 Leaders Give Nod to Trump in Watered-Down Trade Language
| December 2018
Failed to reference protectionism for the first…

Trump tweets China to cut tax on U.S.-made cars, revs up auto stocks
Reuters | 02 December 2018

Trump-Xi Truce Does Little to Bridge Vast U.S.-China Divide
Bloomberg | 01 December 2018

Curtains for the Clintons
Wral | 01 December 2018

Commander Of US Navy’s Middle East Fleet Found Dead
Zero Hedge | 02 December 2018

Mattis: Cutting defense will not help deficit
Defense News | 01 December 2018

US Defense Contractor Posts Job Offering For “Classified Contingency Operations” In Ukraine
Zero Hedge | 01 December 2018

US will hold off on raising China tariffs to 25% as Trump and Xi agree to a 90-day trade truce
CNBC | 01 December 2018

G20 summit: World leaders reluctantly bow to Trump on trade amid showdown between US and China over tariffs
Independent | 01 December 2018

Iran navy launches stealth warship in the Gulf
Reuters | 01 December 2018

Russia’s Peskov Shares 2016 Emails From Ex-Trump Lawyer Cohen
Bloomberg | 30 November 2018

Trump, Russia and lessons from the mob: Did ‘godfathers’ steer collusion probe?
The Hill | 30 November 2018

Mark Penn: The Mueller investigation has come up empty on Russia — You won’t believe what’s coming next
Fox News | 30 November 2018

The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA, will replace the current NAFTA agreement that governs trade in North America
USMCA | November 2018

NAFTA: U.S., Canada, Mexico sign trade deal, Trump shrugs off Congress hurdle
Reuters | 30 November 2018

Former President George H.W. Bush dead at 94
Reuters | 30 November 2018

BRICS slam protectionism as China-U.S. spat overshadows G20 talks
Reuters | 30 November 2018

G20: When Putin Met Bin Sally
Zero Hedge | 30 November 2018

EXCLUSIVE: FBI Raids Home Of Whistleblower On Clinton Foundation, Lawyer Says
Daily Caller | 29 November 2018

Frederic Laroche’s Case:Long-term victim of French Secret Services Dr. Horton Appearing as Expert Witness
Stop007 | 29 November 2018

Randy Credico Exclusive Tell-All with Abby Martin on Wikileaks & Roger Stone

Empire Files | 28 November 2018

President Trump Discusses His Decision Not to Declassify “Spygate” Documents…
The Conservative Tree House | 28 November 2018

Jeffrey Epstein’s Horrific History of Sex Crimes
National Review | 29 November 2018
How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime
Miami Herald | 28 November 2018
2016: Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender’s jet much more than previously known
Fox | 13 May 2016

Switzerland: “Creeping EU Accession”
Gatestone Institute | 29 November 2018

Germany’s Merkel to miss G20 opening after aircraft woes
Yahoo | 29 November 2018

Michael Cohen pleads guilty to lying to Congress about Trump Tower project in Moscow, cuts deal with special counsel Robert Mueller
CNBC | 29 November 2018

China Ambassador Warns Of “Dire Consequences” If No Deal, Hints At “All Out” War
Zero Hedge |28 November 2018

Clintons’ Speaking Tour Opens to 83% Empty Seats, Coughing Fit
Breibart | 28 November 2018

Theresa May Backs Down Over Brexit Votes in Parliament, Official Says
Bloomberg | 27 November 2018

“Human Sacrifices” in Greece
Gatestone Institute | 27 November 2018

Deck is stacked against Julian Assange
KevBot Report | 28 November 2018

SC, NC inmates busted in ‘Operation Surprise Party’ ‘sextortion’ scheme of military members linked to contraband cellphones
WISTV| November 2018
(US Attorney, military investigation services press conference at SC DOC)

Daily Crusader | 27 November 2018

China Vows to Open Its Markets Ahead of Trump-Xi Talks at G-20
Bloomberg | 27 November 2018

14 States and D.C. Support Challenge to Acting U.S. Attorney General’s Appointment
Governing | 27 November 2018

Cindy Hyde-Smith wins Mississippi senate seat in special election
Yahoo | 27 November 2018

Alibaba’s Jack Ma is a Communist Party member, China state paper reveals
Reuters UK | 26 November 2018

About the latest Ukronazi provocation in the Kerch strait (UPDATED)
The Saker | 26 November 2018

Latest Solari Donation
Dr Jerome Corsi Legal Fund
Donor Box | November 2018

Video: Jerome Corsi Will Not Agree to Mueller Plea Deal

Infowars | 26 November 2018

Ukraine introduces martial law citing threat of Russian invasion
Reuters | 26 November 2018

EU, UK Approve Brexit Divorce Deal; Now Comes The Hard Part
Zero Hedge | 25 November 2018

Switzerland votes against putting ‘Swiss Law First’
DW | 25 November 2018

Swiss vote on going it alone in sovereignty referendum
BBC | 24 November 2018

Catherine Austin Fitts: From Missing Money to Secret Weapons

Whitley Strieber | 23 November 2018

Former CIA director Michael Hayden hospitalized
CBS News | 23 November 2018

Pentagon’s ‘lost’ trillions went to people connected to US military-industrial complex: Ron Paul
Blacklisted News | 23 November 2018

Why You Should Care About the Julian Assange Case
Rolling Stones | 23 November 2018

Julian Assange’s indictment may cause trouble for Democrats
NY Post | 23 November 2018

Associate of Trump ally says in plea talks with Mueller
Reuters | 23 November 2018

Dimming the sun: The answer to global warming?
Breitbart | 23 November 2018

Trump Signs Order Closing Border With Mexico, Authorizing Lethal Force
Zero Hedge | 23 November 2018

Europe arming itself against Chinese investment, despite denials
Asia Times | 22 November 2018

G20 Argentina 2018 Calendar
G20 | November 2018

G20 draft communique avoids explicit anti-protectionist pledge
Business Times | 21 November 2018

Defense, Homeland Security Secretaries Spearhead Cyber Cooperation Agreement
Next Gov | 21 November 2018

Clinton Foundation Donations Plummet 90%
Zero Hedge | 21 November 2018

Yet Again, Trump Threatens Government Shutdown Over His Precious Wall
Intelligencer | 21 November 2018

EU to Step Up Review of Foreign Investments
Independent Recorder | 21 November 2018

Head Of Russian Military Intelligence Dies Mysteriously From “Serious Illness”
Zero Hedge | 21 November 2018

Pope reveals team picked to organise anti-paedophilia summit
Free Malaysia Today | 24 November 2018

Germany Bans 18 Saudis Suspected In Khashoggi Killing From Traveling Inside EU
Zero Hedge | 20 November 2018

Theresa May Gambling On “Unicorn Fantasy” Compromise To Save Brexit Deal
zero Hedge | 20 November 2018

Death of HHS official Daniel Best is ruled a suicide
Cleveland Metro | 20 November 2018

House Democrat wants to know why a pharma insider is overseeing Trump’s drug pricing reform
Vox | 20 November 2018
Blunt force suicide?

House GOP to hold hearing into DOJ’s probe of Clinton Foundation
The Hill | 20 November 2018

Spain warns it could still BLOCK the Brexit deal without a veto on how any future trade deal applies to Gibraltar
Daily Mail | 20 November 2018

Pentagon Fails First Audit, Neocons Demand More Spending!
Run Paul Institute | 19 November 2018

What We Must Do Now: Abrams, Georgia and Something Extraordinary (expert analysis proving 340,134 voters were wrongly purged)
Truthout | 19 November 2018

Global Compact on Migration
PVVep | 19 November 2018

China’s Orwellian social credit score isn’t real
Brookings | 19 November 2018

Democratic 2020 Candidate Pushes US Govt-Sponsored ‘Social Credit’ System Like China’s
Zero Hedge | 19 November 2018

9/11: What 17 Years of Lies Have Done to Us (Richard Dolan Intelligent Disclosure)

Richard Dolan | 11 September 2018

Leid Stories–Haiti Explodes Yet Again. Are Foreign Interests Behind Protests?
Leidstories | 19 November 2018

Massive increase in sex crimes in Sweden, number of female victims almost doubles – Report​
Voice of Europe | 19 November 2018

Republican Scott secures Florida U.S. Senate seat after recount
Reuters | 18 November 2018

Trump Quietly Orders Elimination of Assange
The Duran | 18 November 2018

In first, US endorses Israeli occupation of Golan, votes against 9 anti-Israel resolutions
Blacklisted News | 18 November 2018

Sunday Talks: Devin Nunes Discusses Rosenstein “Dirty Cop” Success Outlasting FBI and DOJ Investigation…

The Conservative Tree House | 18 November 2018

Sunday Talks: Decepticon Roy Blunt Discusses *NEW* Senate Priorities…

The Conservative Tree House | 18 November 2018

Sunday Talks: Liz Cheney Discusses GOPe Priorities…

The Conservative Tree House | 18 November 2018

The Democratic blue wave was real
The Guardian | 17 November 2018

‘I earn around a million euros’, German conservative Merz tells Bild
Reuters | 17 November 2018

China Buys Geospatial Software to Put it on Par With NATO, US – Report (VIDEO)
Sputnik news | 17 November 2018

Greenwald: DOJ Prosecution Of Assange Poses “Grave Threats To Press Freedom”
Zero Hedge | 17 November 2018

Pence Unveils Plan For US-Australian Pacific Base, Spiking Tensions With China
Zero Hedge | 17 November 2018

Russian Set To Take Over Interpol In Latest “Kremlin Victory”
Zero Hedge | 17 November 2018

BrExit War – Tory Party About to Replace Theresa May for NO DEAL BrExit
Market Oracle | 17 November 2018

Senate Judiciary chair Grassley’s move leaves key opening
Reuters | 16 November 2018

Steve Bannon | Full Address and Q&A | Oxford Union

Oxford Union | 16 November 2018

The Empire Keeps Proving Assange Right About Everything
Medium | 16 November 2018

CIA believes Saudi crown prince ordered journalist’s killing: source
Reuters | 16 November 2018

BREAKING: Estonia is the fifth EU nation leaving the UN migration pact – Prime Minister
Voice of Europe | 16 November 2018

The Pentagon Spent Nearly $1 Billion on an Audit — And Failed
Bloomberg Gov | 16 November 2018

Amazing Facts and Figures from the Pentagon’s Failed Audit
The Fiscal Times | 16 November 2018

Pentagon fails its first-ever audit, official says
Reuters | 15 November 2018
Lockheed Martin, local metalwork firm win a combined $23B in military deals
Biz Journals | 15 November 2018

Upset over fish, France leads EU criticism of draft Brexit deal
Reuters | 15 November 2018

Lockheed gets $6B down payment to start F-35 block buy
Defense News | 15 November 2018

Pentagon expects next big F-35 contract in spring 2019
Reuters | 13 November 2018

Authorities Preparing to Prosecute Assange in US Court – Report
Sputnik news | 16 November 2018

Giza Death Star | 15 November 2018

US drops the gauntlet on the South China Sea
Asia Times | 15 November 2018

Highlights: UK ministers quit over Brexit draft, pound and bank stocks tumble, May vows to fight
Reuters | 15 November 2018

Florida orders first ever statewide hand-recounts as legal fights continue
Tampa Bay | 15 November 2018

Saudis issue charges but exonerate crown prince in Khashoggi murder
Yahoo | 15 November 2018

Pentagon: Africa command to pursue drawdown, realignment
UPI | 15 November 2018

After the Retail Apocalypse, Prepare for the Property Tax Meltdown
City Lab | 14 November 2018

Cuomo Forced Into Court in 401k Financial Farce
401K Specialist Mag | 14 November 2018

Israeli Defense Minister’s Resignation not a “Victory” for Gaza but a Warning that the Worst is to Come
Mint Press News | 14 November 2018

Feds Collect Record Taxes in October; Still Run $100B Deficit
CNS News | 14 November 2018

Republican Kevin McCarthy Voted to Lead Minority… Video: George Carlin The big club
The Conservative Tree House | 14 November 2018

“Criminal Intent”…That shift is factually visible everywhere now
The Conservative Tree House | 14 November 2018

The Most Valuable Airspace in the World or Why sanctioning Aeroflot out of JFK probably won’t happen

The Saker | 14 November 2018

DARPA issues contract proposition for hypersonic missile defense
UPI | 14 November 2018

If Voting Changed Anything… #PropagandaWatch
Corbett Repprt | 14 November 2018

Why Louisiana Stays Poor

Together Louisiana | 13 November 2018

Britain agrees Brexit divorce deal with EU, May’s opponents vow to thwart it
Reuters | 13 November 2018

Canadians strongly oppose Statscan’s plan to obtain the banking records of 500,000 households: poll
The Globe and Mail | 13 November 2018
Trudeau defends Statistics Canada move to collect banking info of 500,000 Canadians
Global News | 29 October 2018

Giza Death Star | 12 November 2018

Provisional Ballot Boxes Discovered Inside AVIS Rental Car At Ft. Lauderdale Airport
Zero Hedge | 12 November 2018

The Israeli Lobby in the United States of America (2017) – Full Documentary HD

The Truth Archive | 12 November 2018

Former Infowars editor Jerome Corsi says he expects Mueller indictment soon: ‘My only crime was that I support Donald Trump’
Fox News | 12 November 2018
Latest Solari Donation
Dr. Jerome Corsi Legal Fund
Donor Box | November 2018

Jerome Corsi, right-wing conspiracy theorist linked to Roger Stone, expects to be indicted in Mueller probe
CNBC | 12 November 2018

Democrat Sinema wins U.S. Senate seat in Arizona: Associated Press
Reuters | 12 November 2018

Veterans haven’t received GI Bill benefits for months due to ongoing IT issues at VA
NBC News | 11 November 2018

Kavanaugh backlash cost Democrats the Senate
Lewiston Tribune | 11 November 2018

Donald Trump and Emmanuel Macron in frosty meeting after French leader’s call for EU army
Sky News | 10 November 2018


Dark Journalist | 10 November 2018

Affidavit of witness to voter Fraud in Broward County, Florida: 11 03 2016 Chelsey Smith SOE Affidavit
Scribd | 2016

Argentine Judge: ‘No Evidence’ in Cristina Fernandez’s Case
Telesure English | 10 November 2018

The War for the Soul of America
Buchanan | 09 November 2018

FBI reportedly investigating company where Trump’s acting attorney general was an advisory board member
CNBC | 09 November 2018

China’s AI news anchor

Fox Business | 09 November 2018

Police recommend charging ex-Netanyahu lawyer, others in submarine bribery case
Times of Israel | 08 November 2018

How a Democratic U.S. House could alter foreign policy
Reuters | 06 November 2018

An Evening with Tucker Carlson: America’s Elites Are on a Ship of Fools

Independent Institute | 02 November 2018

Jacob Cohen Set:
Jacob Cohen “Documenterview”: the Sayanim, Dieudonné and the French dissident movement
The Saker | 19 August 2014
Jacob Cohen “Documenterview” – Part 1/7

AltTV | 15 June 2014
Jacob Cohen “Documenterview” – Part 2/7

AltTV | 17 June 2014
Not Availabed due to copyright: Jacob Cohen “Documenterview” – Part 3/7
AltTV | June 2014
Jacob Cohen “Documenterview” – Part 4/7

AltTV| 23 June 2014
Jacob Cohen “Documenterview” – Part 5/7

YouTube | 18 August 2014
Jacob Cohen “Documenterview” – Part 6/7

YouTube | 18 August 2014
Jacob Cohen “Documenterview” – Part 7/7

YouTube | 14 August 2014

A Troubling Outlook for Future Defense Spending
Real Clear Defense | 06 November 2018

U.S. Democrats Favor Someone Other Than Pelosi as Speaker
Gallup | 08 November 2018

‘Democrat lawyers are descending on Florida’: Republicans blast recount effort
Miami Herald | 08 November 2018

MD police kill armed man in his own home during ‘red flag law’ gun confiscation
American Military News | 09 November 2018

The War Inside 7-Eleven
Bloomberg Quint | 09 November 2018

Dutch doctor faces first euthanasia prosecution
Yahoo | 09 November 2018

Does Robert Mueller’s Lead Prosecutor Have A History Of Ethics Violations?
Bloomberg | 08 November 2018

Tattooed ex-Marine who killed 12 people in country music bar massacre had PTSD: Gunman, 28, ‘terrified’ his mother and neighbors after returning from Afghanistan tour before he opened fire on student night
Daily Mail | 08 November 2018

Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg, 85, breaks three ribs in fall
Reuters | 08 November 2018

“I was at the Las Vegas Route 91 mass shooting”: Man inside Southern California bar when a gunman opened fire was with “probably 50 or 60 others” who were also at the Las Vegas massacre last year. “This family got hit twice
Twitter | 08 November 2018

Some Inside Borderline Bar in Thousand Oaks Survived Las Vegas Mass Shooting
KTLA | 08 November 2018

America Could Use Some Deals
Peggy Noonan | 08 November 2018

Bank of England Refusing Venezuelan Request to Return $550 Mln in Gold – Report
Sputnik News | 07 November 2018

Trump-Putin Talks Shortened Amid French Concerns, Kremlin Says
Bloomberg | 07 November 2018

The Unraveling of the Netanyahu Project for the Middle East
The Duran | 07 November 2018

‘You Can’t Do It Quietly’: Top Democrat Overheard Discussing Kavanaugh Impeachment Plans
Daily Caller | 07 November 2018

German companies favored Trump party in midterm election donations
Handelsblatt | 07 November 2018

Leaked Documentary Shows Israel Lobby Used Fake Sexual Assault Claims Against BDS Activists
Mint Press News | 07 November 2018

Centers for Self Governance: Trailers for LaVoy: Dead Man Talking Documentary, Scroll down

Center For Self Governance | November 2018

Centers for Self Governance: PART II: LaVoy – Dead Man Talking Trailer

Center For Self Governance | November 2018

Democrats won the House, but Trump won the election
Washington Post | 07 November 2018

Nancy Pelosi Took Donald Trump Impeachment Off the Table as Democrats Won House
Newsweek | 07 November 2018

Wall Street foe and Trump critic Maxine Waters is likely to take over the House panel that oversees big banks
CNBC | 07 November 2018

Nancy Pelosi starts working on her math problem in Speaker vote
The Hill | 07 November 2018

Napolitano reacts to Trump asking Sessions to resign

Fox News | 07 November 2018

U.S. political gridlock may create investment opportunity
Reuters | 07 November 2018

Election Night: U.S. Midterm Election 2018 Updates
Reuters | 06 November 2018

Election Returns Updates: Midterm Elections Tuesday 6 November 2018
The Guardian | 06 November 2018

Craigslist Ad Offers To PAY Dems To Attend Obama-Abrams Rally in Georgia
Big League Politics | 06 November 2018

It could be weeks before we see election results in California
NY Post | 05 November 2018

Armed Forces open door to foreign recruits who have never lived in Britain
Telegraph | 04 November 2018

20,000 “Armed” Nonwhite Invaders Attacking Bosnia-Croatia Border, Austrian Govt. Warns
The New Observer | 04 November 2018

New Evidence Shows Texas Senate Race Is Vulnerable to Manipulation
Truthout | 06 November 2018

First Circuit Court of Appeals Rule No Right to Bear Arms Outside the Home
Ammo Land | 05 November 2018

Exercise Trident Juncture 2018
Wikipedia | November 2018

Plans for massive NATO-Norway exercise underway
Joint Force Command Naples | 01 March 2018
Trident Juncture: The Ultimate Test Of Military Capability
Forces | 25 October 2016
Barbarossa 2.0: NATO opens the Baltic front
Katehon | 23 June 2017
Finland’s participation in international training and exercises
Ministry of Defence Finland | 2018
General Robert Neller to US troops: Expect “a big-ass fight” against Russia
Veterans Today | 26 December 2017
Russia aims its missile drills shoulder-to-shoulder with NATO’s biggest war games in years
Business Insider | 31 October 2018
NATo Ops Center Goes 24/7 To Counter Russians: Gen. Scaparrotti
Breaking Defense | 01 October 2018

Exclusive details and footage emerge of near collision between warships in South China Sea
South China Morning Post | 04 November 2018

Fury over plans to give Brussels MORE powers to meddle in nations’ economies
Express UK | 03 November 2018

Election Complaints Filed With Texas AG: Voters allege computerized tabulation discrepancies in Dallas
True Texas Elections | 03 November 2018

Iran’s Khamenei taunts ‘defeated’ US after Trump reimposes sanctions
Independent | 03 November 2018

Drop sanctions & reach out to Russia or drive it into China’s embrace – France’s Sarkozy
RT | 03 November 2018

Iran inaugurates mass production of homemade fighter jet (VIDEO)
RT | 03 November 2018

Trump Bank Sanctions Will Hit Iran Where It Hurts
Bloomberg | 02 November 2018

E.U. Stands with Iran as Sweeping New Trump Sanctions Hit Oil, Banks
Breitbart | 02 November 2018

Trump administration to restore all US sanctions on Iran removed under nuclear deal
Yahoo | 02 November 2018

Russia Isolated? US and Britain Excluded From Syria Summit
Strategic Culture | 02 November 2018

Out of Shape Women Strip Naked to Encourage Anti-Trump Vote; Backfires Terribly
Infowars | 02 November 2018

Race for the Senate 2018: Key issues in Texas
Brookings | 01 November 2018

What Empire Loyalists Are Really Saying When They Bash Julian Assange
Medium | 02 November 2018

Emergency Meeting Called Over Fears For The Physical Safety of Julian Assange
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE-Friday, November 2, 2018

Unity4J | November 2018

BREAKING: New York Times reporting exonerates Julian Assange: article confirms “Mr. Stone did not tell Mr. Bannon anything that Mr. Assange had not said publicly”
Twitter | 01 November 2018

FHFA | November 2018

Open Letter to Scott Morisson Regarding Julian Assange
Medium | 03 August2018

2017: Julian Assange’s Christmas Present
Coreys Digs| 25 December 2017

EUIOPA | 31 October 2018

Pacific rim trade pact goes ahead after Australia ratifies
ABC News | 31 October 2018

Pt. 1: Top 10 Edward Snowden Revelations You Didn’t Know About

The Jimmy Dore Show | 27 October 2018

Pt 2: How Julian Assange Saved Edward Snowden’s Life

The Jimmy Dore Show | 27 October 2018

Top 10 Wikileaks Achievements

The Jimmy Dore Show | 27 October 2018

Merkel’s Would-Be Successor Is a Real Conservative
Bloomberg | 01 November 2018

WATCH: Oprah Delivers Rousing Speech For Dem Stacey Abrams
Mediaite | 01 November 2018

Intelligence Assessment with Kevin Shipp Whistleblowers Roundtable with Bill Binney & John Kiriakou
Jason Goodman | 01 November 2018

Tomgram: William Hartung, The Pentagon’s Plan to Dominate the Economy
Tom Dispatch | 01 November 2018

The unintended consequences of Jamal Khashoggi’s killing
CNN | 31 October 2018

Nearly $6 Billion Belonging To Dead Libyan Dictator Gaddafi Has Gone Missing
Zero Hedge | 31 October 2018

How We Are Controlled. Richard Dolan Intelligent Disclosure Livestream

Richard Nolan | 30 October 2018

Democrats Struggle to Confront Trump-Era Reality
Outline | 30 October 2018

U.S. general says troop numbers at Mexican border to rise further
Reuters | 30 October 2018

Chinese Intelligence Officers and Their Recruited Hackers and Insiders Conspired to Steal Sensitive Commercial Aviation and Technological Data for Years
Justice Gov | 30 October 2018
US District Court, Southern District of California, 2017 Grand Jury Indictment Document Pdf
Justice Gov | October 2018

Iowa’s shield against election cyberattacks: paper ballots
The Gazette | 29 October 2018

Decision time for US deficit: Larger budget deficit or smaller trade deficit
OMFIF | 29 October 2018

Angela Merkel says she will step down as Chancellor in 2021 after bruising regional elections
Yahoo | 29 October 2018

Khashoggi BOMBSHELL: Britain ‘KNEW of kidnap plot and BEGGED Saudi Arabia to abort plans’
Express | 29 October 2018

Poll: Trump Hits Record High Approval Rating with Black Voters Amid BLEXIT Launch
Breitbart | 29 October 2018

Rep. Jim Jordan: Congress should examine free speech restrictions by social media companies and others
Fox News | 29 October 2018

What I learned as an American Jew after the Pittsburgh synagogue attack
NY Post | 29 October 2018

Iran to keep Trump “guessing” on sanctions response
MSN | 29 October 2018

US ‘Charities’ Most Likely Conduits for Cash to Fund Migrant Caravans – Journo
Sputnik News | 29 October 2018

Blain: “Don’t Underestimate The Instability The Passing Of Merkel Will Engender”
zero Hedge | 29 October 2018

Who Is Footing the Bills for Food, Care and Transport of the Caravan of Migrants?
Need to Know | 28 October 2018

Legal Aid Funder Faces Existential Crisis Under Trump
Law360 | 28 October 2018

‘Trump of the Tropics’ Jair Bolsonaro WINS Brazilian presidential election after being stabbed during campaign: Ex-soldier who’s been blasted for comments on rape, race, migration, and homophobia in huge victory
Daily Mail | 28 October 2018

Far-right Bolsonaro rides anti-corruption rage to Brazil presidency
Reuters | 28 October 2018

Mattis: Military already moving equipment to southern border
US News | 28 October 2018

Is It Time To End The Oversimplification Of Complex Deep State Issues?
The Sirius Report | 27 October 2018

11 Dead, Several Others Shot At Pittsburgh Synagogue
CBS Local | 27 October 2018

Global Strategic Trends: The Future Starts Today, Sixth Edition © Crown copyright 10/18
Ministry of Defence UK | October 2018

“The National Shooting Sports Foundation is following a practice similar to that of other trade associations…”

NSSF | October 2018

Who profits from the end of the mid-range nuclear treaty?
The Saker | 26 October 2018

Russia’s FSB busts ISIS cell planning terrorist acts in Moscow
RT | 26 October 2018

“No Chance INF Will Be Renegotiated” Says Top Russian Official Ahead Of Trump-Putin Meeting
Duran | 26 October 2018

Texas has a long history of problems with Hart eSlate voting machines
Tech Crunch | 26 October 2018

Khashoggi, Erdogan and the Truth
Information Clearing House | 26 October 2018

American Trucking Company Hauling ILLEGAL Alien Migrant Caravan
Hal Turner | 24 October 2018
AMERICAN TRUCKING COMPANY CAUGHT IN THE ACT! Hauling Illegal Aliens to the U.S. Border (Video)
State of the Nation | 25 October 2018

In$idious GIFT: How the Koch Foundation’s $25 Million Donation to Utah State
University Aims to Dismantle Protections for America’s Public Lands

Biological Diversity | 2018

US Won’t Continue Trade Talks Until China Commits To Ending Forced Tech Transfers
Zero Hedge | 25 October 2018

800 active-duty troops to be sent to Mexican border
Military Times | 25 October 2018

Geert Wilders is now protected for 14 years. His crime? He criticised Islam
Voice of Europe | 25 October 2018

Arms Race: Nations Rush To Develop Hypersonic Weapons
Zero Hedge | 25 October 2018

Europe’s Gas Game Just Took A Wild Twist
Zero Hedge | 25 October 2018

BlackRock-owned Mexican prison opens in Coahuila
Reuters | 25 October 2018

What we know about the explosives and suspicious packages delivered in New York, DC
ABC News | 24 October 2018

Big Bear and Big Panda Just Joined the Discussion – Vice President Mike Pence Reveals Central American Invasion Horde is: “Financed by Venezuela”…
The Conservative Tree House | 24 October 2018

Greece jails former minister, wife ahead of corruption trial
The Virginian-Pilot | 24 October 2018

Trump and Putin plan Paris meeting
BBC | 23 October 2018

Lockheed would have lost $5B meeting Boeing’s price on three recent contracts, CEO says
Defense News | 23 October 2018

The Quincy Pact only protects the King of Arabia, not his heir
Voltairenet | 23 October 2018

SSP Reality and Illusion. Richard Dolan and Joseph Farrell

Richard Dolan | 23 October 2018

“Elements”…Tribal divisions, based on political ideology, exist within all government institutions – including the intelligence community
The Conservative Tree House | 23 October 2018

Subscription: DynCorp JV Accused Of Lying To Army On Translation Deals
Law360 | 22 October 2018

Jared Kushner on Trump, Mideast policy (Full interview) | CITIZEN by CNN

CNN | 22 October 2018

Trump: U.S. will build up nuclear arsenal after nixing landmark weapons treaty with Russia
KSDK | 21 October 2018

‘Transgender’ Could Be Defined Out of Existence Under Trump Administration
NY Times | 21 October 2018

FBI Admits It Used Multiple Spies To Infiltrate Trump Campaign
Zero Hedge | 20 October 2018

Belgian trade union boss says Israel kills Palestinian kids for their organs
JTA | 19 October 2018
click the up arrow at bottom of registration offer to decline but access article.

The Empire splits the Orthodox world – possible consequences
The Saker | 19 October 2018

Khashoggi Murder Suspect Dies In “Suspicious Car Accident”
Zero Hedge | 19 October 2018

All of the Above? The Ancient Voting Method One City Might Adopt
Governing | 19 October 2018

South African city to begin confiscating land from white citizens in national test case
RT | 19 October 2018

Jobs Not Mobs
The Conservative Tree House | 19 October 2018

Trump jumps into Western water wars ahead of midterms
Politico | 19 October 2018

President Trump Signs a Presidential Memorandum

The White House | 19 October 2018


Dark Journalist | 18 October 2018

Giza Death Star | 18 October 2018

Water use in the U.S., 2015
USGS | 2015

U.S. Treasury Secretary Mnuchin withdraws from Saudi conference
Reuters | 18 October 2018

Challenges in fintech regulation
Smartbrief | 17 October 2018
ASIC forges fintech deal with US regulator
Insurance Business Magazine | 06 October 2018

Confronting the End of the Transatlantic World Order?
Conspiracy Archive | 18 November 2018

Michael Moore on Trump, Brexit and his new film
Channel 4 News | 17 October 2018

Pat Cipollone is Trump’s new White House counsel
Vox | 17 October 2018

Trump touts push to rescind government regulations
Reuters | 17 October 2018

A Second State Could Ban Service Taxes
Governing | 17 October 2018

*Update* Deep State Treasury Leaker Arrested – Senior U.S. Treasury Official Arrested for Leaking Financial Forms To Media…
The Conservative Tree House | 17 October 2018

Measure to Weaken Property Tax Limits Qualifies for California’s 2020 Ballot
Governing | 16 October 2018

Saudi Retaliates, Pulls HyperLoop Funding As Silicon Valley Startups Quake
Zero Hedge | 16 October 2018

An American and an Arab journalist walk into a Saudi Consulate
Al Jazeera | 15 October 2018

Jamal Khashoggi and the failed plot against MBS
Votairenet | 15 October 2018

The Occcupation of the American Mind: Israel’s Public Relations War in the United States
Occupation Movie | October 2018

If Americans Knew: What every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine
If America Knew | October 2018

US budget deficit expands to $779 billion in fiscal 2018 as spending surges
CNBC | 15 October 2018

Too Deep To Drain – Aspects Lost in the James Wolfe Pleading…
The Conservative Tree House | 15 October 2018

The Khashoggi Extortion Fiasco:
The Saker | 15 October 2018

Denmark and Italy Fight Back Against Open Borders As Populism Swells Across Europe
FM Shooter | 15 October 2018

90,000 Purged in Vegas and Reno: Are You on the List that will Steal the Senate?
Greg Palast | 14 October 2018

Julian Assange to regain internet access at embassy base – reports
The Guardian | 14 October 2018

Angela Merkel Political Allies Crushed in Bavarian Election…
The Conservative Tree House | 14 October 2018

No Israeli air strikes during past month. Iran replenishes destroyed arms stocks
Debka | 14 October 2018

Welcome to the G-20 from Hell
Asia Times | 14 October 2018

Harris and L3 agree merger to become sixth-largest U.S. defense contractor
Reuters | 14 October 2018

Ecuador partly restores internet access for WikiLeaks founder Assange
Reuters | 14 October 2018

“This Is An Earthquake For Bavaria”: CSU Suffers Stunning Defeat, Loses Absolute Majority In Worst Result Since 1950
Zero Hedge | 14 October 2018

Trump: Mattis Is “Sort Of A Democrat” Who “May Leave” The Administration
Zero Hedge | 14 October 2018

IMF’s Lagarde warns against trade, currency wars, urges fix to global rules
Reuters | 14 October 2018

Only took five years: Hillary Clinton lost security clearance, State Department confirms
RT | 13 October 2018

U.S. draws China FX into trade dispute as IMF calls for resolution
Reuters | 13 October 2018

Meet Ten Corporate Giants Helping Israel Massacre Gaza Protesters
Mint Press News | 12 October 2018

California, New York and 6 other states side with scammed students in battle with DeVos
Market Watch | 12 October 2018

Volker says Russia continues to fuel fighting in eastern Ukraine
KYIV Post | 12 October 2018

Pyrotechnic experts begin clean-up around Ukrainian ammo depot after blasts
TASS | 11 October 2018

Regulators are taking a tougher stance on ESG disclosure a new study reveals
Sustainability Reports | 11 October 2018

Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh, and the Rule of Pampered Princelings
RSN | 11 October 2018

The Cardinal’s Letter: There are several and various events connecting…the Pope and… a Supreme Court judge.
The Saker | 11 October 2018

Trump, China’s Xi to meet at G20 amid trade tensions: WSJ
Reuters | 11 October 2018

WATCH: Kanye’s insane White House solo that left Trump mindblown
RT | 11 October 2018

U.S. strengthens controls on nuclear technology exports to China
Market Watch | 11 October 2018

All US F-35s grounded worldwide
Military Times | 11 October 2018

Trump Administration Releases Final Rule for Legal Immigrants Using Public Benefits
Governing | 10 October 2018

President’s Party Usually Performs Poorly In The Midterm
Statista | 10 October 2018

Britain, NATO Prepare For War On Russia In The Arctic
Zero Hedge | 10 October 2018

China Has Already Lost This War…
Zero Hedge | 10 October 2018

FBI Steals Treasure Hunters’ Civil War Gold Worth Up To $250 Million
SHTFplan | 10 October 2018

US sold $56B in weapons to other countries in 2018
The Hill | 10 October 2018

International relations: the calm before the storm?
Voltaire Net | 09 October 2018

Alex Newman – Horrifying Consequences if China Runs Globalist New World Order
Greg Hunter | 09 October 2018

Final Thoughts on Nikki Haley…
The Conservative Tree House | 10 October 2018

GOP senator suspects Schumer of being behind release of Ford letter
The Hill | 09 October 2018

Trump Signs Bill to Counter Chinese ‘Predatory’ Investment in Africa
Breitbart | 09 October 2018

Testimony From Baker: Andrew McCabe Was Dead Serious About Soft-Coup Attempt…
The Conservative Tree House | 09 October 2018

Sen. Rand Paul: Bill Clinton epitomizes the aggressor
Fox News | 09 October 2018

Trump officials have talked to Goldman Sachs’ Dina Powell about possibly replacing Nikki Haley as UN ambassador
CNBC | 09 October 2018

Here Are All the Officials Who Have Left the Trump Administration
Bloomberg | 09 October 2018

President Trump and DAG Rod Rosenstein – “No Collusion”, No Immediate Worries…
The Conservative Tree House | 08 October 2018

The Final Truth Of Russia-Gate
Zero Hedge | 08 October 2018

Brett Kavanaugh’s swearing-in ceremony as Supreme Court Justice, live stream

CBS News | 08 October 2018

Aftermath as Prologue: “I believe her!” Really? Why should anyone believe her?
Kunstler | 08 October 2018

Investigative Journalist Probing EU Corruption Found Brutally Raped And Murdered
Zero Hedge | 08 October 2018

China confirms detention of former Interpol chief Meng Hongwei
South China Morning Post | 08 October 2018

Devin Nunes on Russia probe and FISA abuse

7venout n.n| 07 October 2018

Sibel Edmonds on Khashoggi Case
Twitter | 07 October 2018

Wife of Israeli prime minister goes on trial for fraud
Reuters | 07 October 2018

What is Operation Underground Railroad? We exist to save children from sex trafficking. To learn more about how we rescue and rehabilitate with law enforcement and aftercare partners, check out our website
OUR Rescue | October 2018

What is Operation Underground Railroad?

Operation Underground Railroad | 14 August 2017

Kavanaugh Vs. Feinstein – Flawless Victory
Zero Hedge | 06 October 2018

How Deep is This Swamp?…
The Conservative Tree House | 06 October 2018

After fight that split U.S., Kavanaugh wins place on Supreme Court
Reuters | 06 October 2018

UK Land Registry Begins New Phase of Blockchain Research Project
Coin Desk | 05 October 2018

Feds allege contracting fraud within secret Colorado spy warehouse
Gazette | 05 October 2018

Interpol President Disappears on Trip to China
Breitbart | 05 October 2018

Hong Kong ousts Financial Times journalist who hosted separatist speaker
Market Watch | 05 October 2018

We Are All Deplorables Now
Buchanan | 05 October 2018

Rand Paul’s wife calls out Dems amid threats, intimidation

YouTube | 04 October 2018

New York Regulators Examine the Trump Family’s Tax Schemes
New York Times | 04 October 2018

Dozens of Georgians likely killed by US toxin or bioweapon disguised as drug research – Russian MoD
RT | 04 October 2018

Vice President Mike Pence’s Remarks on the Administration’s Policy Towards China

Hudson Institute | 04 October 2018

For Once, I’m Grateful for Trump: In the president, one big bully stands up to others
New York Times | 04 October 2018

Accused doxxer of GOP senators allegedly threatened to publish lawmakers’ children’s health info
Fox News | 04 October 2018

US Openly Threatens Russia with War: Goodbye Diplomacy, Hello Stone Age
Strategic Culture | 04 October 2018

When trade stops, sometimes war starts’ – Jack Ma
RT | 04 October 2018

Dozens of Georgians likely killed by US toxin or bioweapon disguised as drug research – Russian MoD
RT | 04 October 2018

Chris Hedges (speaks to Community Rights Lane County) in Eugene, Oct. 3, 2018

Todd Boyle | 04 October 2018

Expanded Medicaid works
Undernews | 03 October 2018

Christian Bale Transforms Into ‘Ruthless’ Dick Cheney for First ‘Vice’ Trailer (Video)
The Wrap | 03 October 2018

Trump allies, offering no specifics, say former FBI official gives ‘explosive’ testimony in Russia probe
Washington Post | 03 October 2018

Sen. Graham to booing crowd: Boo yourself

CNN | 03 October 2018

My sinister battle with Brett Kavanaugh over the truth — By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Johnib | 03 October 2018

OPINION: Small Business Tax Relief Should Level The Playing Field
Daily Caller | 03 October 2018

Israel practices ‘apartheid’ — Rep. Betty McCollum
Mondo Weiss | 02 October 20189

U.S. would destroy banned Russian warheads if necessary -NATO envoy
Reuters | 02 October 2018

New York Tax Department Probes Trump Taxes From Decades Ago
Bloomberg | 02 October 2018

#MAGA President Trump in Southaven, MS

Donald J. Trump for President| 02 October 2018

National Strategy for Counterterrorism of the United States of America
White House | October 2018

An Update on Medicare’s Finances
Center for Retirement Research | October 2018

Canada, U.S. reach deal to save NAFTA as trilateral trade pact
Reuters | 30 September 2018

Judiciary Committee Refers Potential False Statements for Criminal Investigation
Judiciary Senate | 29 September 2018

Internal Secretary Warns US Could Use Navy for Blockade On Russian Energy Exports

DAHBOO77 | 29 September 2018

F-35 price falls below $90M for first time in new deal(worth $11.5b)
Defense News | 28 September 2018
Lockheed Martin US Contract Recipient Data
USA Spending | October 2018

Canada, US confirm new deal with Mexico updating NAFTA
Fox Business | 29 September 2018

Things are going wrong for Vladimir Putin
The Economist | 29 September 2018

Willie Nelson – Vote ‘Em Out (Texas – Rally for Beto)

Xelasi | 29 September 2018

Judiciary Committee Refers Potential False Statements for Criminal Investigation
Judiciary Senate | 29 September 2018

Steve Bannon | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Real Time with Bill Maher | 28 September 2018

Public Money: Short Film
POV | 27 September 2018

Across New York City, a bold experiment in participatory democracy is underway
American Documentary | September 2018

China denies Hong Kong port visit for U.S. navy ship amid trade tensions
Yahoo | 25 September 2018

Presumed Guilty: WSJ Opines On “The New Liberal Standard”
Zero Hedge | 23 September 2018

Robots or Jobs? The Tax Law’s Uncertain Impact on Communities
Governing | 19 September 2018

Hunting the Hunters Part II: Childhood Trafficking, Hunting the Hunters, Money Laundering
Corey Digs | 17 September 2018

Corey’s Digs Resources: Care to do some digging of your own? Dig In!
Coreys Digs | November 2018

In 2017, the government spent $3.98 trillion. Curious to see how this money was spent? We hope so —
we’ve opened the conversation around federal spending and provide the tools to help you navigate the budget from top to bottom

USA Spending | 2018

In 2017, the (US) government spent $3.98 trillion.
USA Spending | October 2018

Mark Robinson: 2018 NRA-ILA Leadership Forum

NRA | 05 May 2018

Revealed: The 50 most dangerous cities in the world
Daily Mail | 09 March 2018

20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
Reddit | 16 May 2017

Haiti: The Tragic, Forgotten History of Zombies
The Atlantic | 28 October 2015

Go to: Geopolitics – 3rd Quarter 2018