The Future of Europe with Thomas H. Meyer

Just a Taste
[geot_filter exclude_region=”europe”]Solari North American Video Server


[geot_filter exclude_region=”north-america”]Solari European Video Server


Full Interview:

[geot_filter exclude_region=”europe”]Solari North American Video Server


[geot_filter exclude_region=”north-america”]Solari European Video Server


Read the Money & Markets Notes

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Listen to the Money & Markets MP3 audio file

The Solari Report 2018-03-01

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Audio Chapters

Introduction Audio

Theme Audio The theme this week is “Censorship in 1000 Forms”.

Money & Markets Audio This week in Money & Markets, Catherine discusses the latest in market movements and geopolitical events.

Let’s Go to the Movies! / Interview Discussion Audio Catherine discusses her interview with Thomas H. Meyer.

Ask Catherine Audio Catherine answers questions submitted by subscribers.

Closing Audio

Listen to the Interview MP3 audio file

The Solari Report 2018-03-01

Read the Transcript

Read the transcript of The Future of Europe with Thomas H. Meyer here (PDF)

Download the Interview MP3 audio file


“We have to pierce the tunnels of loneliness with the conviction that there are other people and one has to trust that one is led to them.” ~ Thomas H. Meyer

Last week, Robert Dupper and I drove from the Netherlands to Basel to film Thomas H. Meyer for a wide-ranging conversation about the Future of Europe.

Thomas is the head of Perseus Publishing, which publishes The Present Age. He has joined me twice before on the Solari Report – last summer for a discussion of how to confront evil – and the year before to introduce us to Rudolf Steiner.

This was an intimate conversation – we spoke about how to build a global network of people who understand reality and share a spiritual commitment to provide leadership and to nurture Western culture and values during changing times.

The full video interview will be posted here on Thursday at 6pm ET.

My Money & Markets will be posted here late Thursday evening. I will discuss what is happening the latest developments in financial markets, geopolitical new and accelerating actions by the national security state. E-mail your questions for Ask Catherine to askcatherine[at]solari[dot]com.