Money & Markets – Week of 10.29.17

Decentralization Panel: The 21st Century American Revolution. Can it be peaceful?

YouTube | 27 October 2017
Peter Schiff starts at 09:00 mins, Great Job…

The Public Bank Option: Safer, Local and Half the Cost
Truthdig | 04 November 2017

The Cure for TBTF / TBTJ…

Trump urges Saudi Arabia to list state oil company on N.Y. stock exchange
Politico | 04 November 2017

Trump Requested Saudi IPO…

The ‘War On Terror’ Has Cost American Taxpayers $250 Million A Day For 16 Years
Zero Hedge | 04 November 2017

The Cost of War w/o End Amen….

Tax Bill Proposes Repeal of Capital Gains Treatment for Patents
IP Watchdog | 03 November 2017

Never Saw a Tax They Didn’t Like…

Singapore Police Examine Goldman’s Role in 1MDB Deals
Bloomberg | 02 November 2017


Virus stealing bitcoin
You Tube | 02 November 2017
Millisecond Digital Rip-Offs…

Let’s Clear Up One Confusion About Bitcoin
Of Two Minds | 03 November 2017

More on Mr. Global’s Dream Come True…

World’s Longest Bull Market (55 Years) In Australian House Prices Is Over, According To UBS
Zero Hedge | 02 November 2017
Down Under Credit Bubble Woes….

House GOP Tax Bill Keeps 39.6% Rate for High Earners, Cuts Corporate Rate to 20%
Roll Call | 02 November 2017
Collapse seven…

Robots in Finance Bring New Risks to Stability, Regulators Warn
Bloomberg | 01 November 2017
Financial Sector Worried About Their Jobs…

Swiss Central Bank Hits Jackpot With Quarterly Profit of $33 Billion
WSJ | 31 October 2017

Benefits of a Weaker Franc…

Gold Bugs Embrace Bitcoin, Upending Retail Sellers
WSJ | 01 November 2017
Mr. Global’s Dream Come True…

Pentagon Turns to High-Speed Traders to Fortify Markets Against Cyberattack
WSJ | 15 October 2017
Hi Speed Trading for the Pentagon…

Newsbud Exclusive Report- A Distillation of DOD Funding Priorities for September 2017
News Bud | 14 October 2017

$500B in Expenditures….

Bitcoin Surges After World’s Biggest Exchange Announces Plans for Futures
Bloomberg | 31 October 2017

Hey! What’s a little More Programmed Trading???

The Bitcoin Bubble
Myrmikan Research | 26 October 2017

Who Watches the Watchers is Still a Problem..

2017 Public Funding Pension Study
Millman |  October 2017

Read it and Weep..

‘The Winner of the Amazon Headquarters Might End Up Being the Biggest Loser’
Fair | 25 October 2017

Big.Inc Lose, Lose Options…

Goldman: “Short-Term Unemployment Is At Levels Not Seen Outside Of Major Wartime Mobilizations”
Zero Hedge | 31 October 2017

Signs of Economic Flux…

U.S. Savings Rate At Lowest Level Since The Great Recession
Seeking Alpha | 01 November 2017
The Term is Depression..

Fed Stands Pat On Rates, Leaves Room For December Hike
Forbes | 01 November 2017
No Fed BINGO yet….

It’s gotten a whole lot more expensive to die in America
Business Insider | 31 October 2017

Zero Hyperbole…

Regulation Is Killing Community Banks – Public Banks Can Revive Them
Common Dreams | 01 November 2017

Selective Enforcement Continues….

The Biggest Stock Collapse in World History Has No End in Sight
Bloomberg | 30  October 2017

Petro China Stll Going Down…

Lawrence Summers’ Hatchet Jobs On Tax Reform And Kevin Hassett
Forbes | 23 October 2017

Mr. Global’s Banker…

The House Will Reveal Its Tax Bill On Wednesday: Here’s What’s At Stake
Zero Hedge | 30 October 2017

Will it See Daylight in Time????

Norwegian Mining Company Launches First Asset-Backed ICO
Zero Hedge | 29 October 2017

The Real Slight of Hand Begins….

Fragmenting Countries, Part 1: Catalonia Is Just The Beginning
Dollar Collapse | 30 October 2017

Prototyping the Successionist Movement…

Norway’s $1 Trillion Wealth Fund Gains 3.2% In Q3 As 70% Equity Allocation Pays Off
Zero Hedge | 28 October 2017

What Well Run 1st World Countries do…

Local: 15 Reasons (And Counting) Why Montreal is an Exemplary Sharing City
Shareable | 16 October 2017
Neighborhood-based solutions to…

Riley: Providence Finances in Dire Straights
Go Local | 10 October 2017

Missing Money Local Heads Up..