Geopolitical- Week of 10.15.17

The Shift 15 Catherine Austin Fitts

The Shift | 16 October 2017
More on the Missing Money…

Under Trump, Brags Mike Pompeo, CIA Will Be ‘Much More Vicious Agency’
Common Dreams | 20 October 2017
Off the Leash, Continued ???

What’s Behind the Catalan Movement for Independence
PBS | 21 October 2017
Transcript and audio with historical background…

Why a Former Minister is Challenging Churches’ Tax Privileges in US
Yahoo | 20 October 2017
Related to next article…

Should Churches Become Unholy Temples of Dark Money?
Hightower Report | 01 August 2017
Related to above Churches’ Tax Privileges…

How to Create a Gun-Free America in 5 Easy Steps

YouTube | 07 October 2017
Nuthin to It!!

Steve Bannon Destroys GOP Establishment At Values Voter Summit
YouTube | 14 October 2017
Bannon’s War with the GOP…

Woman suing Trump seeks all other sex complaints against him
Undernews | 19  October 2017
Mud Slinging is Getting Deeper…

Bill Clinton sought State’s permission to meet with Russian nuclear official during Obama uranium decision
The Hill | 19  October 2017

The Real Russian Scandal…

NYC police don’t even have a backup of its asset foreiture file
Undernews | 19 October 2017

Where Does the Money Go????

Dr. McKinney’s Blog
Cynthia McKinney | October 2017
The One and Only…

Anti-Israel Policies Are Anti-Texas Policies
State of TX | 22 May 2017
More no Boycott Israel…

Hurricane Harvey Repair Grant Application and Agreement
by and between the City of Dickinson and

City of Dickison TX |  October 2017
Agreement to not Boycott Israel?????

George W Bush attacks ‘conspiracy theories and outright fabrication’ in modern politics in thinly veiled dig at Donald Trump
Telegraph UK| 19  October 2017
Someone has Hit a Nerve….

These Are The Top Geopolitical Risks According To The World’s Largest Asset Manager
Zero Hedge | 19 October 2017
Geo Risks from the Big Money POV….

Drudge, Facebook, NYT readers could face libel suits for sharing ‘fake news’
The Washington Examiner | 18  October 2017
1st Amendment Push Back…

Thousands of govt docs found on laptop of sex offender married to top Clinton adviser
RT | 18 October 2017
More Clinton Weiner Security Leaks….

FBI Informant “Threatened” After Offering Details Linking Clinton Foundation To Russian Bribery Case
Zero Hedge | 19  October 2017
Whistle Blowers, still an Endangered Species..

Senator Seeks Probe Into Russian Bribery Plot Before Obama Inked Nuclear Deal with Putin
Newsweek | 18 October 2017
Russian Bribery, not new…

China’s 19th party congress: What you need to know
CNN | 17 October 2017
PRC Closed Door Elections…

Soros Transfers $18 BILLION To His Open Society Foundations
The Daily Caller | 17  October 2017
The Money Behind the Chaos…

Latest Solari Donation
Support Fire Chief Welch’s Family & other Mill Valley Staff
You Caring | October 2017
Help CA Fire Victims…

CIA Urges Trump To Delay Release Of 3,000 Never-Before-Seen Documents On JFK Assassination
Zero Hedge | 17  October 2017
54 Years Later, CIA Still Terrified about JFK Info Release..

Suit: U.S. Firms’ Bribes Funded Iraq Militia Attacks on Americans
NBC News | 17  October 2017
Where are the Investigations??

New fires in Sausalito, Santa Cruz and Dublin force evacuations
LA Times | 17 October 2017
CA is Burning Down..

Australia: jail young children without charges; they wouldn’t do that; oh yes they would
Jon Rappoport | 16 October 2017
Terror Charges Excuse All Atrocities..

Top DEA Official Just Exposed How Congress Works With Big Pharma to Hook America on Opioids
The Free Thought Project | 16  October 2017
Big Pharma, Not Our Friends…

Malta Car Bomb Kills Panama Papers Journalist
Guardian | January 2017

Russia’s Putin signs decree imposing restrictions on North Korea
CNBC | 16 October 2017
Russia Turns Screws on NK…

Travelers in nine states will need passports to fly effective January 22
Under News | 15  October 2017
Pressure from the Top…

Oscar Peterson’s drummer denied entry into US
Undernews | 15  October 2017
50 Year Old Charges…

Port Arthur Hurricane Harvey Evacuee Moved to FEMA Barge Not Feeling it (Watch)
EUR Web| 20 September 2017
Emergency Living Conditions…